Chapter 19 | Poor Will

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"Stay here" He said.
I had been sat here for what felt like hours, a stupid grin on my face.
It's not my fault! I can't help it!
Lucas and Dustin emptied around 50 cans of some kind of food on to the large wooden table in the middle of the room.
"This will charge your battery up right up, I'm telling you" Dustin assured me.
I took one of the small cans, examining it curiously. It seemed to have a... hook on top? I have no idea. Chocolate pudding?
All of a sudden, Mike ran in, a grim expression on his face and out of breath.
"Guys! Guys!" We all whipped our heads around.
"What is it?".
"They found us" Mike said formidably.
Are my fathers men still searching for me? I assumed... taking out... my father would stop them from coming back but I guess someone else took over and decided I, was an experiment worth saving.
I could hear the clashing of doors being slammed open and the drone of radio feedback as we ran out of the hall, trying to find the nearest exit.
"How did they find us?".
"I don't know, but they knew we were in the gym".
The doors opposite us open, producing the blinding light of military torches, on the end of guns.
We all turn on our heels, shoes making a deafening squeak on the high school corridors. The noise almost silencing our heavy breaths in unison.
"Come on" says Lucas, rasping.
We turn a corner but waves of men in army uniform barricade our way.
"Go, go! Go left!"
We ran as fast as we could, but we were trapped. As we turned around the last available route, a fairly old woman, wearing a beige trench coat turns the corner pointing a gun directly at me.

There was only one option left.

Time once again slowed down as my blood began to boil. Electricity bounces around my body, jolts finally hitting the back of my eyes. I sometimes imagine these moments to be like my own little time bubble, time slows down only for me.
With a few seconds of concentration, blood is flowing from the woman pointing a gun at me and the two men behind her. Torch light shudders unwillingly in the dim hallway and blood drips unsteadily on to the floor.
Their hands shake and they struggle to maintain their concentration as they choke and splutter, their insides turning to slush. Blood streaks down their faces, the woman and two men drop to the floor. As do the men behind us, followed by everyone within about twenty metres, like dominoes.
Wow, that took a lot more work than I thought. My eyesight distorts. Oh dear. I lose control of my consciousness as I also fall, I hear a defeating thud in my ears and a mind-numbing ringing as my aching head hits the floor.
I could vaguely hear, as my eyes struggle to stay open, Will calling out to me in anguish.
"El, are you okay? El? EL!"

Joyce's POV (Will's Mum)

"There's more blood" stated the Sheriff. We were tracking the monster stalking my road, in this mirror world.
I turned my head to look at him and whispered "Oh my god" as I realised how insane and crazy what we are doing is.
This mirror world almost seems like it's the same, but it has had natural disaster throughout the entire world. This is what I would imagine an aftermath of an apocalypse would look like. What if it wasn't a natural disaster but a alien invasion? And now the monsters have come to take over our world next.

Eleven's P.O.V

I feel myself being shaken.
"Eleven?' Eleven? Can you hear me?"
Yes, my Papa was standing in front of me, not a single bruise on him, with only a sickly grin. How did he survive? I killed him!
"Yes, yes, it's your Papa, I'm here now".
I look over to see men holding Mike, Luke and Dustin.
"Let her go! Let her go you bastard!"
I try to pull away, I've got to get my friends to safety.
My heart is racing in my throat as if it had leaped there, and I feel unsteady with my head pounding.
"Shh, shh, you're sick, you're sick. You're sick, but I'm going to make you better. I'm going to take you back home where I can make you well again, where we can make all of this better, so no one else gets hurt and we.. can forgive each other".
I still pull away, I try harder, I pull more but it's no use I am too weak.
I call out to Mike helplessly.
"Mike, Mike!"
He struggles in the soldier's grip as I struggle in my fathers.
But abruptly, the lights start flickering and it wasn't me.
Everyone turns their attention to the wall as it fractures from pressure on the other side, someone is trying to get in. Another burst as the wall becomes indented and will soon, surely fall through.
Flickering lights accompany a head bashing through the wall.
It pushes through the rest of the way and roars, its slimy claws behind it and it's scales up in a show of aggression.
They all drop their guard on us and start firing at the Demogorgen.
Mike, Dustin and Lucas rush towards me and carry me towards the exit.
"Come on, come on! Go go!"
The monster screeched ferociously.

Joyce's POV (Will's Mum)

We carried on through the never-ending darkness, our torches illuminating a weird alien structure that had the resemblance of decaying skin. Everything here was rotting, decaying, dead. A young girls head accompanied the structure, blending in with the background as her bruised mouth was gaping open and her skin matched the colour of the putrid, slimy substance next to her. The only thing that stood out was the red hair on top her head, that had inexplicably avoided all the contagious decaying around it.
My torch scanned the area for any other bodies. I hoped I would find none.
It soon landed on a face I knew well, my son.
"Will, Will!"
His hair was dripping, his veins stood out against his skin and grey encircled his eyes but he looked okay!
A long tube connected to his mouth, a strange hand-like thing at the end of it.
Will! Oh my god! Will! Sheriff!
The feeling I felt could not be described in words. I was overjoyed and terrified, frightened and relieved, panicked and at peace.
Oh my God! You need to help him get out! Get him out!
I was so debilitated, I cried and cried, struggling to get the words out, just wanting this to be over and me to have my Will back.
The Sheriff started to pull on the tube attached to his mouth. He managed to get it off but it went down his throat. I can only imaging what they were doing to him. My poor Will!
I was struggling to breathe now, it seems like they were pulling handkerchiefs out of a magicians pocket, the tube went on for forever.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as he pulled the last of it out of Will's mouth. It was alive! It slithered and convulsed on the ground.
The Sheriff took out his gun and shot at it.
"Oh, Jesus!"
Once. Twice. Three times. Four.
It's hissing and swirling died down.


We're close to the end guys,
I have written the next couple of chapters but I'm stuck on the last chapter! Ugghhh
But they found Will!
And whoops the demogorgen is here. Oh dear dear.
I will try and release it as soon as possible, hang in there!
And to anyone who has half term this week, have fun!!  :))))
Ella X

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