Chapter 22 | Fallout

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The light crept down her body until she was bathed head to toe in a golden blaze, wounds closing up and skin returning to a healthy glow. Her eyelids fluttered open as three heartbeats became... four?
The Doctor froze in realisation. Four heartbeats? That can't be right! He brought his head up and looked at Eleven. She looked... different.
The alien DNA had seeped into Eleven's skin and had already tinkered with her own.
Her hair was a lovely whisky colour, long and flowing down to her shoulders, the colour of fallen leaves browned and sleek with the first rain of autumn.
Not 'mousy brown' like some people would have said, but a deeper, richer brown, like soils in the most fertilised places, not dark but simply gentle in any light.
She was wearing a dress and a long plaid shirt, covered in dried blood but not a drop was on her skin. Although she had grown, the outfit was not significantly too small, Eleven had grown to just under the Doctor's height and one of her newly filled in eyebrows was raised.

Two hearts? The only living being in this multiverse with two hearts is a time lord. And I am the only time lord left. She couldn't be?!
He rose from thoughts as pain jolted through his body, he had collapsed. The tables had turned as Eleven shook his body frantically but all he did was smile.

Eleven's P.O.V

I shook him softly, fear paralysing me. He smiled at me.
"Why are you smiling, something's wrong!" And
"Something is wrong, my dear but something is also amazingly right."
"What, what is it?!"
"Here, let me show you",
He propped himself on the Tardis console and once again placed his fingers on my temples.
Gold light flashed in my eyes and suddenly we were in a beautiful garden, rocky and red but with foreign flowers spurting from neatly cut grass.
Three suns illuminated us, flashing colours of an Earth sunset.
I looked up to see a man cooing and making faces at me. Who was this man, where is the Doctor?
"I promise I'll always protect you Kalila, us being immortal, I can make that promise with the utmost sincerity."
I felt myself unwillingly giggling and laughing at him, fidgeting in his lap.
He started rocking me, smiling at the way my eyes lit up.
Then, he started singing a beautiful melody.
"Gotta hold on easy as I let you go.
Gotta tell you how much I love you,
though you think you already know.
I remember I thought you looked like an angel wrapped in pink so soft and warm.
You've had me wrapped around your finger since the day you were born."
He paused momentarily, then continued in the slow but comforting rhythm.
"You're beautiful baby, from the outside in,
chase you're dreams but always know,
the road that will lead you home again.
Go on, take on this old world but to me,
You know you'll always be my little girl."
A grin lit his face up, the smile stretching to his ears.
I smiled back at him
"When you were in trouble that crooked little smile,
Could melt my heart of stone.
Now look at you,
I turned around and you've almost grown.
Sometimes when you're asleep,
I whisper I love you in the moonlight at your door,
As I walk away, I hear you say, Daddy, I love you more.
You're beautiful baby, from the outside in.
Chase you're dreams but always know,
the road that will lead you home again.
Go on, take on this old world but to me,
You know you'll always be my little girl."
The memory starts to fade, I try to hold on to it but another one comes.
I'm standing up now, walking even. The Doctor was holding my hands, they looked tiny in his. I stepped onto his feet and we began to dance to a tune I didn't realise was playing until now.
And I can't help falling in love with you.
Our steps echoed in the great hall and I could see the light was reflecting off the grand chandelier onto his face.
The light faded once more.
The low sun emitted crimson red light across the field.
I am sitting on a bike. I could feel someone holding it but it still wobbled dangerously.
I remember Mike showing me how to ride one of these.
A voice came from behind me, the same man,
"Hold on Kalila, don't go fast and don't go too slow, always keep your head up, it will help you balance and don't worry, daddy will be here if you fall"
A feeling of comfort spread through me like the suns rays on a hot summers day. After so long without it I am surprised at the warmth.
The light faded.
We run beside the water. The water looked a dull grey, with a few specs of rust coloured orange.
The man, once again, beside me pulled me along, my hand in his. I could hear voices aggressively shouting at us, following us as we sprinted on the sand.
Suddenly his hand fell from mine, I spun around, so fast I could have got whip lash. Men surrounded him and pulled him down. He shouted at me.
"Run! RUN!" Tears pooled in his eyes and his voice cracked. I race as fast as I can up the never ending beach but I was too slow and the beach was too long.
They pushed me into a inconspicuous truck and slammed the door shut, bars like that of a prison, the only thing I could see this man through.
I didn't know why but as the truck sped away and he chased after it, I felt a sense of panic, sadness, desperation.
He did not reach the truck, he was battered, bleeding and bruised.
A rift was placed between us and time was passing like a hand waving from a train I wanted to be on.
It hit me right in the face. The moment of realisation, hit me.
My eyes bought me back to the Doctor's face. He was looking at me hopefully. I looked back at him, wide eyed and breathing heavily. I couldn't believe it.
"I knew it when you regenerated, it couldn't happen unless you were part time lord, and all the other time lords, they've been dead for millennia, it must mean, you're my daughter."
"That's why you have your powers, that's why I heard you, you were calling to me" His voice cracked.
He looked at me with a new understanding, pushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear, and pulled me into a hug.
"I love you Kalila",
"I love you too, Papa".
Tears wet both eyes of our faces as we pulled away.
Suddenly, he doubled over in pain and a short spurt of golden light shot from him. He groaned in pain.
"Wait, what's wrong? You never answered me!"
"Please, promise me something, you won't try to do anything, this is, it's for the best."
"What? What's for the best?!"
"Kalila, I'm dying, I gave up my last generation for you and I don't regret that at all, I only wish we could have spent more time together."
"No, please, I only just got you back."
I sit, frozen on the spot, my fingers fiddling restlessly with my messy hair. I bit down on my lip, hard, and blood gushed out. Grief and despair overtook my body, I had no choice, it was like I had been possessed by a demon in the form of a impossible and heartbreaking event. I knew this was not going to change anything but my mind seemed to have switched off, a power surge of grief had cut off the electricity and had started fires. There was hope before, a tiny flicker against the cold, harsh wind, that had now been blown out, a hurricane had started.
"Shhhh, listen, it's okay, I know you'll be okay, you're strong, you're a fighter, I've seen it, you'll be okay."
I bury my face in his chest and he wraps his hands around me.
"I've had enough of my life, it's time you lived yours."
"I've still got a few hours, come on, I don't want to spend my last time with you to be seeing you cry, come on!"
He managed to pull me up even though I felt like lead.
He put on a coat and adjusted his bow tie in the mirror,
"Never a wrong time to be wearing a bow tie, that's what I say" He stated on the way to the console.
"Now, when I'm gone, you'll need to look after this lovely lady, do you know how to work her?"
"Not really no, I mean I've seen you doing it but I never really guessed that I would have to fly it some day." My voice faded towards the end. The Doctors face dropped into a sullen expression, before shortly plastering a smile on his face once again and saying,
"No problem, come over here."
I managed to slowly scoot over there and after about 45 minutes of him showing me how everything worked, I realised this felt natural, this felt where I was meant to be.
Soon, we were off to a 'surprise place' according to the Doctor. We soon arrived and I got a small laugh out of the Doctor being thrown onto the floor after a bit of a bumpy landing.
"Even on deaths row, my Tardis doesn't seem to want to actually work for me."
I half-heartedly laughed, still feeling the fallout of the Doctors confession.
"Well, we're here", said the Doctor, throwing open the doors, we were nowhere?
"I know what you're thinking, where are we? I can't see anything? That's because we are in the dark ages, just before the universe began, before time began. The Big Bang! And by just before I mean in 10 seconds."
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1.
A star exploded. Darkness into light. Nothing into everything.
It exploded with a blinding white light and streaks of orange, purple, red coming out from it. Stars propelled outwards and lit up the sky. The beginning.
I looked over at the doctor and saw the massively bright light reflected in his eyes. He had a look of amazement on his face.
"I've seen this thousands of times you know, whenever I don't know what to do, I watch this again and again, I've never seen anything more beautiful."
I look back and see more clouds exploding from the mass of light. Like a rainbow, across the universe. Blue and yellow and green and blue. Red and purple and pink. Colour radiated from it and I felt as if the colours were so excited they could burst, like a cork from a bottle of champagne.
He got up beside me and walked beyond the Tardis doors. I tore my eyes away and followed him.
"I'm glad I got to share that with you, even if it is only once."
"Is there anywhere you want to go?"
Hmm. I thought carefully and a smirk formed on my face.


Wow, even writing that I felt sad :(
I can't believe he's dying! Noooooo! But I guess it is to save Eleven so it's all good.
I mean not all good but you know what I mean. Maybe they'll find a way to save him? Uuhhh I hope so!
And she's his daughter Wow big plot twist there! Don't kill me pls. I hope you liked it though, catch ya later guys!
Ella X

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