Chapter 14 | New Alien

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I ran back through the forest figuring that going in the Tardis would just be plain lazy.
Wait that sounds like me.
I crash onto the Tardis, my breathing erratic.
I am really not fit.
Okay I program the Tardis to go about 10 metres and slammed down the lever. The whirring noise calmed me down slightly.
As I lazily travelled the short space I needed to, I paced round worried out of my mind.
I've never felt this worried before, even with worlds on my shoulders I have not felt this worried.
Feeling hazed, I stepped out of my time machine and my eyes scanned the tall fence, surrounding the dark brown building with wire mesh and concrete pillars, even more ominous than it was before.
"Come on you've got to get it together" I said to myself quietly, "Otherwise this will never work".
I strolled in trying to put on a mask of confidence on top of my terrified mind.
What if I mess this up and she dies? What if she's already dead.
Thoughts swirled around my head like a deadly gas.
The lady at the front desk recognised me immediately and reached for something under her desk.
I stopped her by pulling out my sonic screwdriver. I still laugh at how afraid a screwdriver makes people.
She steps back and puts her hands up, eyeing me cautiously.
I put on my best invaders voice from what I have heard from these supposed "Sci-fi"movies.
I snort in my head, she'll be sure to believe that, haha.
She looked at me with a panicked expression and hobbled away in her high heels.
But she had already pressed the panic alarm so soldiers came running out... with guns. Typical.
I wonder who's in charge now that Eleven's father... passed away.
A middle aged man with dark brown hair and glasses wandered out followed by 4 armed guards.
"Who are you?" he exclaims signalling for the guards to point their guns at me.
"I am, probably shouldn't give away my identity... again, "Zodd... The... Great?" I said hesitantly.
"Well... Zodd" he said with some distaste, "Come with me".
I get prodded into a small room crowded with a large business table where they sit me down and the man sits down opposite me. The classic villain versus hero position.
"So tell me, what your intention is here" he says briskly.
I can feel the ghost of a hand on my shoulder and several guns pointing at my head.
"Do you have the girl?" I say with as much authority as I can muster.
"What girl?"
"The girl you marked as Eleven" I sneered, emphasising the marked.
The hand above my shoulder descends quickly, ensuring I couldn't move.
"I know nothing of girl called Eleven".
"Fine" I say quietly, defeated, "May I go?"
He was telling the truth so, where else could she be was all that was on my mind.
"Do you have no other business here?" He inquires.
"No" I whisper curtly
"Then yes, you may leave".
I ran through the doors and out onto the streets, panting by the time I got out.
Boy I am not fit.


Pffff, Zodd the great? Haha. Wow this chapter was so bad but also amazing. Where could Eleven be?
I know I know I'm sorry I haven't posted in sooooo long. I would say I have been busy but I haven't so thank you for 250 reads and I hope we can get 300 soon.
Wooo bye.
Ella X

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