Chapter 23 | For you

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"I just want to go back to the Earth, the same time as when we left." I said, my eyes glinting.
"Okay, off we go."
We soon arrived back home, well we were in the USA anyway, New York specifically.
We wandered around Central Park, looking at people walking their dogs, sitting with picnics, doing yoga, studying, people playing with their kids.
We decided to go and get a ball to play catch with.
We didn't end up finding a ball but we did find a frisbee, which I think I can argue is better!
We ran around and threw it to each other, we fell over, rolled in the grass, tackled each other for the frisbee.
We attempted to do a Yoga class but somehow a 900 year old alien and his daughter weren't very flexible, and we eventually gave up after many glares from the other participants.
We did races and we got ice cream, the Doctor had never had ice cream before.
Surprisingly, I won, the Doctor gave up half way and fell onto his back in defeat.
We went to central park zoo, my favourite animal was this little bear cub swimming around in the water, with its mum and dad.
We returned, eventually, to Central Park to get some Churros from a churro stand and sit down on a bench, but neither of us were sat down for very long before starting up the 'get the frisbee at all costs' game again.
We fit right in.
It started raining but we didn't care, people were leaving but we carried on. We got muddy, wet by the end but having the time of our lives. It seemed as if this bliss could last forever but they do say, ignorance is bliss.
All up until the Doctor started coughing, coughing blood. More golden light emitted from him, no longer the saviour of life but the warning of danger.
He fell onto his knees, the rain softening his outline. The world became slightly blurred, and him along with it. Time slowed down as if it didn't want to accept the last time lord dying.
I raced over to him and skidded on my knees to hold him up. He leaned on me and whispered.
"I've lived a long life, and I've seen a few things. I saw the birth of the universe and I watched as it's time run out, moment after moment until nothings remained, no time, no space, just me. I had the pleasure of meeting you at the end of my long life which outweighed all the bad that I endured, yes. But please, for me, promise that you won't wait, it won't be the last thing for you, it will be the first. Go and do what ever your heart desires. You alone are the master of your destiny, but don't worry even if you struggle what is meant to be always finds a way and you are responsible for the keeping of your humanity in the harshness of life. Never let go of it. Do that and, no matter what happens, I will be proud of you and I hope you will be proud of who you are. I know I have two hearts but I would need a hundred or a thousand or possibly millions to hold all my love for you. I will love you, till the minute I die and if there is perhaps an afterlife then I will love you there as well, forever."
He looked into my eyes and I hoped I would say everything with my eyes because god knows right now I do not have the capacity to speak. He nodded and kissed my forehead, he bought me in to his arms and enveloped me. He knew I wanted this in his last moments.
I closed my eyes and tried to memorise the feeling.
It was no longer raining but the rain was still falling from street lamps and leaves. Falling from mirrors on cars and newly cleaned signs. Falling off of him like he was still object in this world.
His arms fell from my shoulders and he slumped against me. Silent cries were ripped from my chest, louder than silence and I rocked back and forth muttering things that I should have said to him but didn't. My heart felt heavy and numbness took over my body. Flashes of everything took over my mind and I screamed at him to come back, shook him, pushed and pulled but nothing worked, he was stone cold. No, I refused to believe he was gone, but when I looked into his eyes I saw nothing.
People surround me and pull me away from him, telling me "everything will be okay" and "he's okay, you'll see, he's fine." They loaded him into an ambulance and then me along with him.
I mean I'm dead too, right?
We get to the hospital, I run after him on the stretcher but they wouldn't let me go into the surgery room. From outside, I hear the electronic buzzing of a defibrillator and then 'clear' faintly but the piercing beep of the flatline rang in my ears like a taunting echo.
I knew what I was going to hear.
'Time of death: 5:32pm" but it still made my face contort and my heart feel considerably heavier.
I ran out, and found the Tardis eventually. I slammed the doors and slid down them, my legs failing me.
I tried to look up but everywhere I looked I saw him.
I managed to bring the Tardis into the hospital room, by the knowledge that his body was still in the hospital and I had to get it, and give him a proper burial.
At this point I didn't care if there was anyone in the room, hell, I didn't even care if I landed on them.
Luckily, when I opened the doors no-one was in there, probably looking for me.
His body was covered in a white sheet and I was extremely glad, I couldn't face looking into his eyes again. I picked him up and brought him into the Tardis. I could still feel though, his bones, they seemed to have turned to stone, he was so stiff and cold.
I already knew where he was going to go, somewhere I know he would've wanted. I plot a course and sit down, my eyes firmly shut.
When I finally open the doors, I once again saw the Big Bang, the start of everything. I released his body out of the Tardis and watched it float towards the sun, get pulled in from the gravity.
The numerous colours lit up his funeral, making it seem almost a happy event but also even sadder.
"Thank you Papa, I promise and I.. I love you too."

Time slip- 3 months later

I suppose it's actually quite soon to be working yet but the universe doesn't wait and I've got a promise to keep.
"Ahhhhhhh please someone help me!" They shout desperately, their voice filled with fear and anguish.
I sprint up the stairs and confront the evil bastards.
"Hey, tin can!"
"My name is the Doctor"
"Does not com-pute, EX-TER-MINATE, EX-TER-MINATE."
My heart thudded in my chest.
I'm doing this for you Doctor.


Wow I genuinely can't believe I've finished.
It took me a year but I'm finally finished.
I mean I'm going to do an Epilogue but I'm finished! Wow!
I hope everyone enjoyed this story, I will do full thanks and dedications later but for now please tell me if you liked it and I usually don't say this but; comment and vote if you did. Thank you so much to anyone who has stuck with me, who has read this after it was finished or anyone who has commented or voted. Thank you so much to all of you!
I know it was a sad ending but unfortunately that's just how I saw fit for the ending and I think it worked beautifully, I could have done something where the Doctor was magically saved but, it wouldn't have been as good. So thank you again and stick around for the Epilogue!
Ella X

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