Chapter 16 | It's okay honey

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Mike inched in with a tray, Dustin and Lucas shuffling in behind him.
"No adults, just us and some meatloaf" said Mike while settling down on the floor next to me.
"Don't worry, they won't tell anyone about you, they promise, Right?"
"We never would have upset you if we knew you had superpowers" Dustin said, a hint of humour but also awe behind his voice.
Mike reached behind him and punched Dustin in the leg.
"Ow" he exclaimed.
"What Dustin I trying to say is that they were just scared... earlier, that's all".
"We just wanted to find our friend" Lucas said to me, making eye contact.
"Friend?" I questioned out loud.
"Yeah our friend, Will"
"What is, friend?"
"Is she serious?" He said looking at me like I'm stupid, "a friend is..."
But before Lucas could finish, Mike interrupted him.
"Is something you would do anything for and someone that you tell anything too".
I stood up slowly and walked to the other side of the room where a chess board was.
I had to show him where Will was, friend sounded important. So I want to help him.
I sat down on the seat and closed my eyes.
"El?" Mike questioned
I searched my mind for where Will was. I got an image. Not a very nice one. Okay I confirmed it, Will is in the upside down, I shuddered at the thought, but how do it tell them that?
I picked up one of the pieces and whispered,
Mike sat next to me slowly, and asked,
"Did you see him, on Mirkwood?"
"Do you know where he is?"
I pushed all the other pieces off the board at flipped it over so you could see the black side.
I slammed the piece down on the centre of the chess board.
"I don't understand" Mike said.
"Hiding" I said timidly still staring at the sole chess piece.
It scared me just thinking about where he was and.. what he was hiding from.
"Will is hiding?"
I nodded my head.
"From the bad men?".
I shook my head.
No, even worse.
I placed a piece that was meant to be the monster, next to the piece representing Will.
The Demogorgen.

End Of Flashback

I inch closer, the moss, grass and trees looking out of place in front of the black mirror that was surrounding me.
I push the cloth out the way and duck to get inside. The jet- black water infected here as well.
But then I saw, lying on the bed, soaking wet and asleep was Will.
"Will? Tell him his mum is coming okay? His mum's coming" I hear inside my head again.
"Don't worry" I say to him "Your mum's coming"
"Hurry" he whispers weakly.
"Okay, you tell him to stay where he is okay? We're coming, okay, we're coming honey!"
"Just hold on a little longer" I say slightly louder.
"Will? Will?" my voice rising.
Suddenly wind blows the clumsly put together fort, I mean it could be wind it could be something else, this just doesn't seem like the kind of place that would have wind.
It's not.
A smoke or fog, I don't know, swirls around me and engulfs Will. He disappears along with the fort.
"Will? Will? WILL?!?" I shout desperately, my head in my hands.

I feel cold water on my face.
I sit up and gasp.
"Oh, okay, okay, I got you, I got you, don't worry your safe now" Will's mum says while hugging me.
I start sobbing hopelessly.
"Oh honey it's okay, you did so good" she tries to comfort me.
She cradles my head as I sit in the paddling pool, soaking wet and freezing.


Ooohhh nooo Will!
We've got to save him!
Aww and Eleven doesn't know what a friend is. This chapter is kinda a downer huh?
And introducing*drumroll* The Demogorgen!
Also kind of a downer whoops.
Two chapters in 1 day does that make up for 3 months without posting? Idk probably not, sorry. Until next time.
Ella X

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