Chapter 5 | Alone again

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The Doctor's P.O.V

"You're welcome" I say graciously.
It feels so good to help someone again.
"So just an inquiry" I begin "You have powers of telekinesis".
I say as more of a statement rather than a question.
She looks at me confused and says "What is tele-kine-sis?", Drawing out the word.
"Oh right sorry, moving things with your mind" I promptly explain.
She looks down embarrassed, then confesses "Yes I can move things, with my mind".
"Very interesting" I say "very, VERY interesting, amazing in fact!", Shouting the very.
"Really?" She says quietly, her eyes glistening.
"Yes, amazing, astounding, extraordinary!"
"I have never come across a human with your powers, even less in someone so young".
She smiles.
Suddenly the Tardis began to shake and move. I would try to steer her but I'm guessing someone is moving us and I know it's pointless to try if someone has already taken control.
I looked over to Eleven, she looked panicked, her eyes wide and her breath quick.
I ran to the console to see where the, well whoever is doing this, is taking us.
They're taking us to Earth. Who could be powerful enough to pull the Tardis to Earth? While the mystery continues, there is nothing I can do so I run over to Eleven and try to console her.
I would try to keep up my quirky attitude but I have a child on board my Tardis so, I can't afford for this to go wrong.

Eleven's P.O.V

We stopped. The Doctor ran to the console and started furiously typing, a look of concentration and frustration on his face. I walked over to him.
He pointed to the screen and said,
"Okay we're in Indiana in the United States" he says relieved and back into his fun quirky attitude.
Indiana I swear I've heard that name before.
The Doctor runs past me grabbing my hand and simultaneously saying "let's go" and giving me a huge grin.
He pushed the door open and then I remember.
It's the forest outside Hawkins National Laboratory, where I was kept.
It's my Papa.
I slow down and start hyperventilating.
"No no no no no".
I can't be here again.
The Doctor looks at me, concern in his eyes.
"What's wrong" He urges.
"This is where I was kept" I whisper barely audibly
He looks around running both his hands through his hair.
He takes my hand again, leading me back into the Tardis.
"Okay I know this is very traumatic for you but the Tardis can't move so you're going to have to be strong, okay?"
"Stay here I will be back soon, I promise".
He pulls me in for a hug before heading through the doors and leaving me alone again.


Thanks for reading 👍
Poor Eleven, just gets out of captivation and then, whoops we're back here.
Let's hope the Doctor comes back in one piece. Hehe
At least Eleven is talking though and the Doctor is helping someone again, it's a win win situation.
Until next time ladies and gentlemen.
Ella x

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