Chapter 9 | The Destroyer of worlds

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The Doctor's P.O.V

I set a course for the Planet Xuaria to find out what was bothering the Xuarians then I went to check on Eleven. She's not there. Oh my god, where is she? Should I go back and look for her? Did she go off herself?
A hodgepodge of thoughts ran through my brain but I decided to go to Xuaria.
I am almost there already and it's more likely she went off on her own so she's probably not in any danger. Right?
I say whatever I could say to justify this.
I stepped out of the Tardis, my feelings decided and my eyes meet a city that resembled Gallifrey, a city engulfed in a glass done, glistening in the light of two suns. I make my way through the extravagant doors, and wander through the seemingly endless corridors. I soon enough hear voices coming from a room down the corridor. I tiptoe as quietly as I can and peak my head round through the door, laughing at my failed attempt to walk quietly. Inside was what looked like a factory, a factory for making Tardis'. I ran up to the nearest worker exclaiming, "What is going on here?".
"Are you a Time Lord?" She says nervously.
"Yes the only one left in existence and you need not to be afraid of me, I am here to help" I explain quickly.
"My name is the Doctor" I acknowledged extending my hand.
She shook it confidently then said "This race here, they call themselves the Time Masters and they claim to be descendants from Time Lords or your race. They want us to build Tardis' so they can be just like you, but I think, they think that all of the Time Lords have been wiped out. I wasn't sure so I sent a message to all the remaining Tardis', in all of time and space and here you are," She proclaimed.
"Okay, do you know what they're planning to do?" I asked.
"No" she answered quickly with disappointment, "But I'm sure it's not good," the fear now evident in her voice.
"Can you tell me where they are?"
"Yes, that I can do, go down the corridor, to the left and straight on, at the end of that corridor there is the hall where they should be having a meeting, oh and I'm just warning you they're a little bit obsessed" she warned, pointing me in the right direction.
"Thank you and don't worry I can handle it," I said smiling, she smiled back then walked away, maybe to tell someone I was here?
Anyway, I headed in the direction she pointed me in, went left and then approached a large, rather ominous looking, door at the end of the corridor,
I pushed it open slightly and peered in.
Inside was a hall with a long table and what looks like some sort of council meeting.
I jump out from behind the door, and shout
"Hello there, who do we have here?"
"We are the time masters who are you, why do you disturb us?" A alien who looked remarkably human like me, was sitting at the end of the table in a long, red cloak, collecting at his feet.
"Time masters that's not a good name and not very original either" I said in a accusing voice, raising my eyebrows at them.
"Who are you? Tell us or we will kill you immediately" He said threateningly raising his voice.
"Oh touchy touchy" I said amused.
They do get straight to the point.
"Somehow I don't think you will".
"And why is that?" He said obviously intrigued but trying not to show it.
"Because a little bird told me that you, I said extending my arms and pointing them at him, that you lot, all want to be like your magnificent relatives. I hear they were amazing, handsome and geniuses, well not all of them, just one in particular...".
"What has that got to do with us?" He said interrupting me and looking bored.
"Me" I exclaimed "I may or may not be a very handsome 900 years or so, supposed relative of yours".
"You're a time lord?"
"Yes, indeed I am".
"I don't believe you, prove to me you are what you say you are" He accused looking wearingly at me.
"Uhhhh well I've got a Tardis if that helps".
"Really?," he says now looking intrigued "show it to me".
"I'm inclined not to do that since I also heard that you want one so badly that your trying to grow them" I said smugly.
"Okay, if you are a time lord, what is your name?"
"Well I have been called a lot of things, hmm let me see there's,
A mad man with a box, bow tie, which is cool by the way, rude and not ginger,
I can't believe I'm still not ginger ugh,
John Smith is a common alias I use, but yeah you get the point, I'm usually called the Doctor, or the caretaker or get off this planet, though strictly speaking that probably isn't a name...".
The leader I was conversing with shouted "ENOUGH!"
Everyone went silent, most of the other time masters look at me like fish, their mouths opening and closing.
"Okay we believe you, you are a time lord therefore our ancestor, let me offer you the opportunity to lead us, Doctor"
"I'm sorry but I am a one man band, even though I'm not... in... a... band, you get the gist".
"What do you want me to lead anyway?"
"We want to build a empire like you and the rest of our ancestors before us did".
"Wait.. woh... back up, how are you going to do that?"
"We plan to rule over this universe and all of time and space, just like you did, watch over them and be like gods!"
A small chorus of cheers erupted from the remaining Time Masters.
"Okay I might be the madman with a box but you are just psychotic".
"But Doctor that's what the time lords did".
"Yes but not me, I vowed along time ago, that I would not crave for power but only help people".
"Really?, then you're no time lord, kill him!"
My smile turned into a frown.
"You know they also call me the destroyer of worlds, I never liked that name but if you're smart, if you value your continued existence, if you have any plan of seeing tomorrow, you do not want me as your enemy".

Oohhhh sassy Doctor
Well that was fun to write.
Has the Doctor now lost Eleven?
"Time Masters" pffff rip off!
Thanks for reading though😘
Until next time *bow and dramatic walk out backwards* * Falling over *
Ella x

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