Chapter 24 | Epilogue

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Months had passed, I was busying myself with cases. A deadly virus here, a Earth takeover there. I wouldn't stop until I lived up to my new name. The Doctor. In his honour.
My now long curly hair bounced as I fiddled around with the controls of the Tardis, trying to decide where to go, when static filled the screens and I heard something that made my eyes brim with tears.
"It's day 353, I had a bad day today, I don't know, I guess I just wish you were here. I mean, we all do".
My heart was pounding so heard in my ears that I could hardly understand him, it sounded as if I were underwater and all I can hear is my own heartbeat.
"If you're out there, just please give me a sign. Eleven?"
I slid down to my knees.
Mike, I tried to forget him, I wanted both of us to move on, I heard every one of his entries, all 353, up to now. I wanted to respond, I really did but I had a promise to keep to my father. I have a new life and he should carry on with his but I guess, it's been long enough and I don't think I can get through this without at least seeing him one last time. I could go and give him a choice, to come with me or to say goodbye.
I start the Tardis with a new ferocity.

3rd Person P.O.V

Mike was sitting in Eleven's makeshift bed. He still missed her, deeply. He hasn't given up hope though, he still does an entry for her, every day, saying how much he misses her and how much he wishes she would come home. He kept saying,
"Just give me a sign". He needed something, he was slowly giving up. She had become a silhouette in his mind, as if she was cut out of the photographs of his memory and now there was only black. There was an ache and a numbness that was always there, the pain of remembering her talking, laughing, hugging her. He had frequently woken up with, "I love you, Eleven" or "I need you to come back" on his lips and his dreams are plagued with her. But he mustn't think about her, as if he dwells on her for longer than a fraction of a second, tears burst forth from his eyes like water from a dam.
And if he was unlucky enough to spiral down the dark route, when he cried there was a rawness to it, like the pain was still an open wound. He would reach to grab anything for support, anything, a table or the back of a chair, then his whole body would shake with the force of his sobs.
At first he would attempt to hide his grief and control himself, but his emotions would overcome him and he would break down entirely and completely. Wave after wave of overwhelming emotions would hit him, washing away any defences his mind claimed to have.
As he would see the morning light seep through his window, he thinks what a cruelty it is that the sun continues to rise.

Eleven's P.O.V

I decided what I was going to do. I knew he has school tomorrow, I have a plan.
My last encounter with Mike seemed like lifetimes ago, so much had happened, I couldn't wait to tell him everything. The memories of our conversations and... our kiss, replayed in my head as I lay awake, preparing myself for tomorrow. I shivered from the excitement... and the unbelievably cold temperature in the Tardis. I relished the feeling of the baggy jumper that encased me and I pulled my knees up to my chest, trying to stop the warmth from escaping my body.

The Next Day

I had been going through paperwork for a while now. I had showed the headmaster a recommendation from my 'previous school' and my 'parents' and by that I mean the same piece of psychic paper over and over again. I nodded at him while smiling, it was a fake smile but it seemed to convince him.
I definitely wasn't listening though, I couldn't wait to see Mike. I had restrained myself so that I could get used to my new career but I had been anxious to see him since our last encounter.
I walked into the classroom and saw Mike at the back of the class, with his head in his hands and I faintly heard the teacher say "Class, we have a new student, her names Kalila, please be nice to her, she has been through a lot."
More than you know.
As I walked down the class rooms I heard a few murmurs of,
"Cool name",
"Wow, what is she wearing",
"Sit next to me?".
But I ignored them.
I sat down next to Mike, but he doesn't move.
Of course! He won't recognise me, I have a different appearance, a different voice, a different everything... of course he wouldn't recognise me.
I thought carefully, what could I do to show him that I am, well... me?
There was one thing that I had kept, one thing that reminded me of the trauma and horror of what I went through, yes, but it also reminded me of my time with Mike and how he saved me.
I rolled my sleeve up, then tapped him on the shoulder.
"Excuse me, can I borrow a pencil?"
"Sure" he said monotonously, with his head kept down.
He nodded his head towards a pencil on the edge of the desk, along with two pens and a rubber.
I reached over, making sure that the underside of my forearm was turned up.
His eyes widened in realisation and shone excitedly at my tattoo, he looked over to me and smiled hopefully.
"Is that sign enough?" I smiled, my eyes shining like his.
"Mr Wheeler?" The teacher screeched, "Would you like to tell the class what you are talking about?"
"No, Sir".
"Then maybe you would like to talk to the Principal about it since you're heading there now".
"Yes, Sir".
He rolled his eyes and whispered something in my ear as he left.
A few moments later my hand shot up and I asked,
"Can I go to the bathroom".
But before he could answer I ran out, struggling to catch up with Mike.
"Slow down!".
He stopped and turned on the heels of his feet, making a horrendous squeaking sound.
"I called you every day! Why didn't you answer me! This,  this normal life without you, it's been hell!"
It was hard to tell if he was just exasperated at the length of my disappearance or whether it had been so long that he had moved on, I hadn't heard a single word come out of his mouth that wasn't laced with sadness or anger. I couldn't tell what he was thinking if my life depended on it.
My eyebrows crease with stress.
"Mike, I heard you, I didn't respond because I thought you would be better off without me, everything in the known universe is coming at me now".
"What, how, why?"
"Well, it's a long story but it's my new job and I guess it.. keeps me on my toes".
"So why did you come back?"
"Because I couldn't forget you, trust me, I've tried to forget you, everything that we did, but you saved me and you made me what I am, I couldn't forget what you did and I couldn't forget you".
His eyes looked straight into mine, the happiness reflected.
He ran at me and wrapped his arms around my torso. It was a simple enough gesture, but it encased months of pent up feelings, affection and perhaps the blossoming promise of love.

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