Chapter 6 | Papa

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The Doctor's P.O.V

I run out of the Tardis locking it behind me and instantly regretting leaving Eleven there, but it's safer for her in the Tardis.
I approach the gates and casually stroll into the building.
"I think you've towed my car out back" I explained walking up to the desk, a cocky grin on my face.
"Sorry sir, you're mistaken, we don't tow cars" she says flatly, not looking up.
"Okay well you might have seen it, it's a blue police box from 1963" I say suppressing laughter.
She looked up at me then reached under her desk for, what I assume was the, panic button.
A bell rings out and an old man with grey hair and a lab coat runs out of an office and stares at me.
"Who are you?", He questions anxiously.
"My name is the Doctor,
I'm a Time lord".
"What's a Time Lord?".
"An alien in your terms".
"You're an alien?"
"Yes and a pretty handsome one too" I say straightening my bow tie and smugly grinning.
"I believe you have my ship in some sort of death grip at the moment, release it".
"Do you have Eleven?"
"I do" I say cautiously.
"Give her back to me and you can go".
"No" I say immediately.
There is no way I was giving Eleven back to these people.
"Sorry", he says stepping forward, obviously aiming to be intimidating, but that was not going to work with me.
I step forward as well,
"Sorry did you not hear me I said NO", shouting the last bit threateningly.
They take a step back.
Now that's how you be intimidating.
He steps forward again, as he seems to gain back his confidence.
He whispers to the guard next to him and the guard walks over briskly, taking one of my arms and pinning it behind my back. The other guard quickly does the same to my other arm.
"Well it seems you've resorted to violence already, typical", I state not a hint of panic in my voice.
"Find his box and get Eleven" he ordered the other guards behind me.
I smirk.
Even if they did find the Tardis, there is no way they could open it. I locked it.
"Not much for an alien" he spat in my face.
I rolled my eyes.
You humans are all the same aren't you.
I wait for a while patiently, tapping my foot, then when the guards come back,
"The door was open and we looked inside but there was no one in there sir".
The Tardis was open?
All of a sudden,
"SNAP" all the guards around me fall to the floor with a thud.
All except one man.
Eleven appears next to me, blood coming from her nose and ears. She seemed to stare straight through me with a look that could kill. Literally
She stares at the only man left standing.
"Eleven" he says softly walking over to her.
"No" she says confidently.
"Papa, I have seen the stars and the planets and our galaxy, it was beautiful. It made me realise, I will never again stay here and let you experiment and hurt me again, you don't love me, you never have".
I could see tears pooling in her eyes.
"Eleven", the man I assume was her father began, before he could carry on Eleven jolted her head to the side and
"CRACK!", his neck broke and he fell to the ground.
Eleven collapsed to the ground in sobs.
She curled up into a ball, and started shaking uncontrollably and weeping while rocking back and forth.
"I freed your ship, we can go" she said trying to suppress sobs but failing miserably.
I picked her up and she looped her arms around my neck still sobbing heavily and muttering quietly,
"What have I done?" as we headed back to the Tardis.
Was that the right thing to do?
I mean if Eleven hadn't killed him, he would've hunted her down for the rest of her life so I guess, even though it is against one of my strictest rules, it's probably in her best interest.
I looked down at her. She had her face buried in my shoulder, still bawling her eyes out.
Oh Eleven I'm so sorry.


Again, thanks for reading
What has Eleven done?
Will she recover?
Will she forgive herself? Find out next time on Catch 22
He's right you know he is a handsome one
Ella x

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