Chapter 20 | Ash shards and dust

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3rd Person P.O.V

Machine guns were firing in the background as they ran, clearly Eleven's father wasn't able to stop the Demogorgen yet. Mike hurries them to move faster.
"Come on! Come on!"
"Sorry, hold on, we're almost there, we're almost there" Dustin said out of breath.
They shut the door behind them but the lights were still flickering, faster even, which means the Demogorgen could be anywhere and could come at them from any angle.
Lucas helps Dustin get Eleven on the table, her small frame just fitting on the school desk.
She groans and rolls over.
Mike takes her hands in his own and says "Just hold on a little longer, okay?"
He tried to sound convincing and reassuring but his eyes were watering and he was sniffing too much.
"He's gone, the bad man's gone, we'll be home soon, and my mom, she'll get you your own bed, you can eat as many Eggos as you want and we can go to the snow ball together, you and me, you'll be part of my family El".
"Promise?'" She whispered her eyes struggling to stay locked with Mike's.
With their fingers interlocked, he said,
"I promise".
Her eyes drift shut, as if that was all the energy she had, and she started to sob quietly.
All of a sudden, a roar and gunshots echo through the hallway, close to them.
The gunfire stops and everything falls silent for a moment.
"Is.. is... is it dead?" Says Dustin apprehensively.
Something made impact with the door, crashing against it and knocking it down. The Demogorgen lurches forward.
The lights flashed faster, a warning sign.
"Go go go go go!"
"Get the wrist rocket!"
"Get the wrist rocket now!"
They all screamed simultaneously, their voices being drowned by a thunderous roar.
"Take it out now!"
"Go go go!"
"Get the rocks! Get the rocks! Get the rocks!"
"Getting the rocks".
"Give me one".
"Come on".
"Kill it! Kill it! Go! Go! Shoot!"
With shaking hands, Lucas pulled his slingshot back and fired a rock at the Demogorgen's head.
"Kill the bastard!"
"Kill it! Go go go go! Kill it now!"
"Hit him again".
And he did he hit him again and again and again, all the while the monster was getting closer and closer. The flickering lights almost as fast as their heartbeats.
Lucas pulled the elastic all the way back to his chin, lining it up carefully and finally firing it, straight into its head.
The beast went flying back, desks and computers crashing to the side with him.
It hit the chalkboard with a bang, its limbs pinned to the board by an invisible force. It's only now you can really see it.
It had arms and legs just like a human but colossal hands and feet, and his fingers shaped like thick branches of a tree. It was extremely tall with a big and abnormal head and like where it came from, its skin seemed to be rotting, muscle and veins protruding from the oozing carcass. 

Before Mike had time to question what was happening, Eleven came from behind them and walked towards the monster, her eyes bloodshot and the same crimson liquid streaking down from her nose and ears.
I can't let her do this, she'll kill herself, thought Mike.
"Eleven, STOP!" he shouted.
She bent an arm behind herself and Mike flew back, his head hitting a desk on the opposite side of the room. She can't want this, he thought, what about everything we planned, what about our future?
There must be another way! I haven't known Eleven very long, most people wouldn't deem this quantity of time right for these feelings, but, I love her.

Nothing seemed more important at that moment to him. Not the monster, not his friends, his eyes were only on her.
He felt as if his one purpose in life was to love her and help her and live out the rest of his life, with her. He couldn't do that if she was dead, could he? He couldn't live with it, and he would not let her die. If he couldn't save her then what would be the point of everything?

The Demogorgen moaned in pain. Eleven looked back at Mike.
This couldn't be happening, he thought.
Unwilling tears flowed down his cheeks.
"Goodbye Mike" She says her voice not wavering.
Her pained expression tells Mike what she really feels. Pain, remorse, guilt. It was all eating her up inside.
"Please, Eleven, friends don't say goodbye, friends don't leave!" He pleaded desperately.
"Friends protect each other" She says slowly turning her head back to the Demogorgen and addressed it,
"No more".
She bought her hand up and the Demogorgen started screaming, the sound was ear-piercing. It tried to reach out to her, it tried to fight back but it was no use, Eleven starting screaming.
The Demogorgen's chest started disintegrating and dissolving like it was being removed from existence.
The pained screams rang out across the universe.

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