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"Autumn." A stern voice says. I slowly open my eyes to see my teacher glaring at me.

"Sorry," I say rubbing my tired eyes. The teacher then goes back to her lecture and I begin falling back to sleep.


I glance down at my phone in a rush trying to remember what's going on today. Josephine has a band concert, school meeting, and has tennis practice. Mia has gymnastics. Mercedes has a choir concert and River has a soccer game. Right as I look up from my phone I ram into someone.

I stumble trying to keep my balance and turn saying. "Sorry, really am." I then grab my binder that had fallen out of my backpack and continue to rush to my bus. I run onto my bus and the bus driver smiles. She tries to stay back so I can make it on. "Where should I drop you off today?" She asks.

"The school," I say and she nods. I smile before taking a seat. She's always willing to drop me off close to where I need to be as long as it isn't too far off of her schedule.

I run a hand through my hair thinking about my schedule. "Ok, so if I go to the school meeting, rush to the choir concert and only miss a little, then gymnastics, Josephine's band concert, and then soccer game. Wait there was something else." I mumble talking to myself. I count on my fingers trying to remember what else I have going on. "Oh tennis," I say and then groan. Tennis is so boring.

"Are you too stupid to even know how to talk in your head?" A girl says behind me.

"No, just thought you wanted to hear my schedule," I reply sweetly. The girl huffs before sitting back down in her seat.

I quickly get off the bus rushing to my sister's meeting. I make it in just as some lady begins talking. My sister is waving me over to her frantically. I rush over and take the seat she left me. I get handed a packet and stare. "What is this?" I ask looking down at her with wide eyes.

"That's what you need to fill out for me to join," Josephine says staring up at me. I look back down at the papers and groan. This is so much writing. I pull a pen out from my bag and then begin to answer the questions.

Once the meeting is done I've finished the whole packet. "Here, make sure you hand this in," I say giving her the packet back.

"You didn't even listen to what my teacher was saying." She says and I look down at her.

"It was more for you than it was for me," I say and she nods her head. "Hey, is it ok if I miss today's tennis practice?" I ask hoping she won't get upset.

"Ya, I only want you to come to the games." She says and I stare at her.

"But you said-Oh nevermind," I say before walking outside. She's got to go to practice so I jog to our house to get my car. "Should have driven today," I mumble shaking my head. Once I make it home I'm out of breath and I quickly hop into my car. I then begin making my way to the other side of town.


"Running a little late." My Grandmother says as I slip into the seat next to her.

"Ya, Josephine had a school meeting thing," I say quietly looking for my other sister.

"Mercedes over there," Grandma says point to her. I follow her finger and find my sister. She's up there smiling and singing the words.

"Where's Grandpa?" I ask and she looks around.

"He had to take Hailey outside, should have been back by now." She says worriedly. I then see him holding the little bundle of joy. He smiles and takes his seat. Hailey looks up and puts her arms out at me. I smile and grab her from his arms.

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