Chapter 9 - What the hell do you think you're doing?

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"How dare you." I say as Mason takes a piece of my white chocolate and puts it in his mouth.

"You might want to run." Alivia says as I stand up.

"You took a piece of my white chocolate." I say walking over to him.

"Maybe." He says and swallows. I stare at him and then back to where my piece of chocolate was. He stares at me and slowly begins to add space between us. I then turn towards him and he runs down the hallway. I slowly walk after him and when I find him I manage to jump on his back. I then wrap my arm around his neck.

"Don't ever take my chocolate. Hasn't anyone ever told never to take a girls chocolate?" I ask as he wobblies and spins with me choking him.

"You really are crazy." He says pulling on my arm. I hold my arm and hear Alivia laughing. "Help me." He says as he dramatically starts to fall to the floor.

"You caused this pain yourself." She says crossing her arms. Mason somehow manages to get me off of his back and plops me onto the couch. I get a little dizzy, but manage to make it go away. Mason stares at me while I glare back at him.

"What am I getting the silent treatment?" He asks. I don't respond and continue to glare at him. "Really?" He asks and looks to Alivia.

"One thing to learn, never touch Autumns Capri Sun, White chocolate, or mess with her family and friends." She says and smiles at me. I give her a nod and glare back at Mason. I'm really not that mad, but it's fun to make him think I am.

"Autumn." He says and I look away from him. "Autumn, please forgive me." He says like a little kid. "I'll buy you more." He says and I still look away from him. "Now you're just being stubborn." He says and I break my facade and being to laugh. "See I knew you couldn't stay mad at me." He says. I roll my eyes and push him. He falls onto his back so I quickly get off the couch and sit on him.

"I win and you still have to buy me more." I say.

"Fine, but get off my stomach." He says and I roll my eyes at his dramatics.

"I don't weigh that much." I say.

"Welll." He says and I slap him. "Oww." He whines and I roll my eyes again.

"You two." Alivia says shaking her head.

"What?" We both say.

"Nothing. I gotta go home. Bye Mason, love ya Autumn." She says walking down the hallway.

"Bye, love ya." I yell back. Mason looks at me funny. "What?" I ask.

"Why do you two say love you to each other?" He asks pushing me so we sit face to face on the carpet.

"Well her and I are really close and it's not meaning it in like a weird way, it's kinda like a sisterey-love." I say and he seems to think about it for a while.

"Alright, so that explains her, but what about Matt?" He asks and freeze.

"That's something completely different." I say and he raises and eyebrow.

"What are you to dating or something?" He asks and I shake my head with a small smile.

"No, it's...not my place to say." I say and he looks at me confused. I being to pace back and forth. I shouldn't tell him, but it wouldn't be that bad would it? I continue to do this for gosh knows how long before I finally say, "I'll tell you, but if you ever treat him different or say anything I won't ever speak to you again." He nods and stands up off the floor.

"Alright." He says sounding a little scared.

"Matt and I are really close....because I'm the only one that knows he', and he felt trapped before he told me. So the love you thing...well I guess it is kinda like a sibling love. He felt if he told anyone that they would judge him and make him feel different and I didn't care so he feels he can trust me more than anyone." I say rushed and look up to see his reaction.

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