Chapter 26-I love you

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"Ok, well I've had a lot of fun with you two, but it's time you guys live your own lives. You can still come in for sessions whenever you'd like, but it's not needed." Our counselor says. Mason stands up and gives her a hug. I get up and also give her one.

"Thank you," I say and she nods.

"It's my job." She says and then we hear a knock at her door. "Looks like my next patient is here." She says. I smile and we begin to walk out of the building.

A year and a half earlier ~

"Leave me alone," I say to the women around me. They keep poking me with needles and other things.

"We are trying to help you, mam." One of them says.

"I don't want your help," I say trying to get away from them. It doesn't end well for me. I end up strapped to the bed and now they think I'm crazy.

I'm watching whatever's on the tv when my Grandma walks into the room. When she sees me her hand flies to her mouth. "Autumn." She says in disbelief. "My baby." She says rushing over to me. She sees the straps and begins to undo them. "What are they doing to you?" She asks and then hugs me. I wrap my arms around her. I've missed her so much.

"Apparently trying to help me," I say and she laughs. She pulls back a little and looks me over.

"You're a toothpick with lumps all over." She says and I look down at myself. "They need to give you some food." She says and I laugh.

"I can't eat a lot Grandma, my stomach can't handle it," I say and she nods. I see the tears in her eyes and pull her into another hug.

"It's ok, I'm fine," I say and she nods.

"I know...It's just, ughh." She says wiping her eyes. I laugh and then see two more people come in. I see Mason's Mom and Dad rush over to him. He's in the bed next to me, we have joined rooms, but he's still asleep. Mason's Mom looks over at me.

"Autumn, hi. Nice to see you again." She says and I nod. "How are you feeling?" She asks.

"Little sore." I reply. She smiles and then Mason begins to turn in his sleep. He starts mumbling words. His parents look at him confused and I know he's having a bad dream. I go to get up from my bed when I feel something pull on my arm.

"Grandma, can you pull that over for me?" I ask. She walks around the bed and moves the little hanger thing. I quickly walk over to Mason. I put my hands up to his head. "Mason, Mason wake up. It's not real." I say into his ear. He opens his eyes and finds mine. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me up to him. "I'm fine," I say with some pain because of the sudden motion. He continues to hold me.

I hear the door open, but Mason doesn't let go of me. "Mason can you let go of Autumn?" A nurse asks. He nods, but doesn't let go of me.

"Mason, we're safe at a hospital. Nothings going to happen. Your parents are even here." I say hoping to get him to snap out of it. He loosens his grip on me and slowly I get my feet back on the ground.

"Mom? Dad?" He asks and they smile.

"Hey, Mas." His Dad says. Mason's been out of it since we got back, which has been four days. I still haven't slept and we weren't able to have any visitors, but I got a phone from one of the nurses and have talked to my Grandma. She told me what she knew and what's been going on.

A nurse helps me back to my bed and checks things on the machines. I watch as Mason talks with both of his parents. My stomach twists as I try to let any emotions come up. "Autumn," My Grandma says my name. I look up at her. "It's going to be alright." She says. I nod my head and force a smile.

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