Chapter 16 - I'll never leave you

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Mathew looks frightened. I pop up and run down to there room. I see him holding his stomach while crying. "River. Hey, bud let me see." I say running over to his side.

"No. Don't touch." He says through tears.

"I won't, but I need to see," I say. He shakes his head. I grab his hand and push up his shirt. I don't see anything, but then he yells. "Alright, come here," I say. I put my arms under him and heave him into my arms. He's heavy, but seeing him cry makes me walk faster.

"Autumn. Here." Mason says running alongside me. I shake my head with tears in my eyes. "Autumn, you might drop him. I'll get him in the car." He says. He screams in my arms and Mason takes him. He rushes him out with me right behind him.

"Autumn, what's going on?" I hear Ashley.

"I'll call you, just stay with the kids," I say running out the house.

"Autumn catch. There are my keys." I turn back to the door and catch the keys. Mason's already got him in her car. I don't know why he picked hers, but I go to the front ready to get in when he takes the keys and pushes me into the back seat. I don't say anything but try and calm River down.

When we get to the hospital he lets me out to get a wheelchair. I run in a grab one while he gets River from the car. Once he's in the wheelchair I enter the emergency room. Mason goes back to park the car. "Hello, how may I help you?" She asks.

"My brother's having side pains. River Bugental. He's been here before." I say. The lady types while River continues to groan in pain.

"Alright, we'll call you when Dr. Mark can see him." I nod and push the wheelchair towards the chairs. I sit down and place him right next to me. He has tears running down his eyes and he keeps groaning. I don't know what to do so I keep rubbing his head. It seems to calm him down when he has episodes so maybe it'll work now.

I see Mason come in and look around the room. Once he finds me he rushes over to me. "What'd they say?" He asks taking a seat next to me.

"When his doctors ready they'll call us," I say keeping myself together. I can't cry, I have to be strong for River. He lets out a soft scream and I stand up and rush back to the lady. "He's really hurting. Can he get in any quicker?" I asked fiddling with my hands.

"We're working as fast as we can." She says. I nod my head and walk back over to him.

"It hurts." River says and I nod. "Make it stop, please."

"I know buddy, I'm trying. They'll get you in soon." I say rubbing his head again. I'm trying so hard not to start crying and to be strong for him.

We continue to sit there and I see two people go in. I know that I shouldn't be pissed off because there are other people that need attention, but it's getting really hard for me not to just go and scream at the lady.

"Hey, I called your Grandma. She's on her way." I hear Mason say. I nod trying to help River in any way I can. I feel like we sit there for another half an hour before we're finally called in.

"Alright, come on River." A nurse says. I stand up and push him through the wooden doors. She takes us into a room and grabs a few papers.

"River can you stand on the scale for me?" She asks. He shakes his head and I kneel down next to him.

"I know it hurts, but let's try ok?" I ask. He doesn't shake his head so I heave him up. He groans and grabs his stomach while the nurse and I bring him to the scale. I have to hold him up and then he squirms out of my arms and back into the chair.

"It's alright. I got close. I won't make him get his height." She says. I nod as she motions for us to follow her out. I don't pay much attention to anything because I'm watching River. She puts us into the room and takes a few more tests. We wait in the room with him on the bed.

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