Chapter 17 - That boy's death isn't on your shoulders

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I hear my Grandma's voice but can't make out any words. I then feel someone tap my shoulder. I lift my head up and look at the nurse.

"Could you just move for a few seconds? I need to check some things." She asks with a polite smile. I nod standing up. I watch as she changes his bandages, checks some stuff on the computer, puts something in his water, and then checks is urine bag.

"He alright?" I ask worry clearly in my voice.

"Oh, yes. Doing just fine." She says with a smile and a bright voice. I don't know how she can be so happy seeing hurt people every day. Instead of thinking about it, I take my seat next to the bed and hold his hand. I rest my head back on the bed and watch as a show starts.

I here noise again, but this time I feel myself being picked up. I open my eyes and see a shadowed outline of Mason's face. "Where are you taking me?" I asked still not fully awake.

"We need to go home. It's late and your aunt is here to watch him." He says and I shake my head trying to get him to put me down.

"He doesn't want me to leave. I need to be there for him." I say trying to get out of his arms. He lets me down but holds onto me before I can run back to him.

"He'll be fine. You need to go home and you can't be here overnight. You're technically not supposed to be here now." I know what he's saying is right, but River needs me. He's my little brother, I can't let him down again.

"I just wanna stay for a few more hours," I say trying to make him let go of me, but his grip is tight on my arm.

"Autumn." He says, but I continue to try and pry his hands from me. "Autumn, look at me." He says. I stop and look up at him. "He will be fine and you'll see him tomorrow. I will drag out of here if I have to, but I don't want to have to do that." He says and I know he can just lift me up and over his shoulder. I stop fighting and he guides me to the elevator.

I don't remember much, just that I fell asleep in the car and then I'm woken up by Ashley's voice in the house. Someone sets me on the couch and then covers me, but I can't seem to stay awake, so I close my eyes and fall back to sleep ignoring the talking.

I hear my alarm and start feeling for my phone. I feel around me, the couch, floor, my pants, shirt, but don't find it. It stops and I open my eyes confused, I see Mason yawning and holding my phone in his hand to show me he has it.

I sit up and stretch. Looking at the clock I see it's already 6:30. "Why was my alarm so late?" I ask but then hear the kids. I walk out of the living room and down to the kitchen. They're all eating eggs and talking about random things. I turn back and run into Mason. "You did this?" I ask and he shrugs.

"You needed some sleep." He says and hands me my phone. I take it and walk back to my room to find something to wear. I find a random tank top, sweatshirt, and leggings to change into. I put my hair up into a somewhat nice bun and walk back out the to kitchen. I don't get to sit down when my phone rings. "Hello?"

"Autumn. I wanted to make sure you knew that you have work tonight." I hear my boss say.

"Is there any way I can get out of it? I have a family matter going on and I really need off." I say walking away from everyone in the dining room so I don't disturb them.

"I already had someone cover you yesterday and you're lucky the Mason called or you'd be out of a job." He says sounding snippy. I remind myself to thank him later.

"There's absolutely no one to help out tonight?" I ask hoping that someone will have scheduled something last minute.

"No, it's just you and Jane tonight. I'm already tight staffed because it's December." He says. I nod but want to scream at him.

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