Chapter 24-Chill out lover boy

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"Take her back to the room." I hear from my left. I'm picked up off the wooden chair and shoved forward. They put a gun in between my shoulder blades like always and then we begin to walk. When we get to the familiar red banged up door they open in and push me in. I stumble in and Mason's already on his feet.

"What'd they do?" He asks begin to look me up and down for any blood.

"Just try and threaten me. Threw a few punches, but I'll be fine. How's your leg?" I ask taking a seat in the corner.

"It's good. The doc said I don't need to come back." He replies taking a seat next to me. I nod. This is what happens for past...well however long we've been here. If one of us is taken we ask what happened and if they're alright. "Tonight's the night." He says and I turn to him. "We can do it. You're healed and I can get you out." He says. I stare at him not believing what he says.

"Are you sure? If we get caught they-"

"Yes, I'm 100% sure as long as I get you out the window." He says and I nod.

"Wait, every time you talk about this it's always been getting me out. You'll be getting out with me?" I ask and he doesn't look up at me. "Mason, I'm not leaving you here," I say standing up. He can't be serious.

"You're the priority and getting both of us out unnoticed is going to be a lot harder." He says getting to his feet.

"If we both can't get out then I'm not going," I say and he shakes his head.

"Autumn, once you get out you can contact your Dad and get someone here. I'll be fine." He says taking a step towards me. I take one back shaking my head.

"The only reason they're keeping you alive is that I'm here. When they find out I'm gone they will kill you." I say feeling tears build up in my eyes. "You get out and contact them. They won't kill me." I say looking up at him.

"You're the one that needs to get out not me." He says and I back away.

"N-no, I'm not-I can't just-" He grabs my shoulders and pulls me into him.

"I will be fine. I need to get you out of here." He says holding me. I shake my head into his shoulder pulling back. I wipe my eyes and try to calm myself down.

"You're making it out with me," I state looking him straight in the eyes. He holds my gaze and then we hear the door. I turn around and Mason gets in front of me.

"Chill out lover boy, dinner." He says putting the plate on the floor. Mason walks up and brings it over to me. We sit down and I take the piece of bread he offers. Water and two slices of bread each, wow generous tonight. We don't talk as we eat, but the guy that came in watches us. They always do this. Whoever brings in the food makes us eat it and makes sure we don't take anything from the tray.

Once we're done the guy takes the plate and leaves us. I turn to Mason and ask, "When are we going?"

"We have about three hours to kill." He says leaning against the cold wall. I nod and begin to draw with the dirt and other things that are on the floor. I don't know what I'm drawing, my hands just seem to go where they want.

Mason watches as I drag my fingers through the dirt. I don't know how long I stay there drawing, but in the end, it looks like a forest. There's a bunch of trees going everywhere. I turn my head confused at it. Where have I seen this before? "The doctor's office as a window and you stared at the trees through it," Mason says as if he could read my mind. I turn to him and look back at the picture.

"Wish I could remember what it looked like. To see the shades of green, brown, maybe even some flowers. Or how the sun feels to be on my skin." I say closing my eyes. I feel Mason's hand grab mine. I open my eyes and move closer to him. I lay into his side and he wraps his arm around me.

"You should try to sleep." He says, but I shake my head. "Autumn you need to sleep." He says and I know I should, but I can't.

"I don't want to have another nightmare," I say softly.

"I'll wake you up if you get one." He says. I take a deep breath and let it out before closing my eyes.


I'm running through the halls yelling for Mason. Where'd they take him? I go around another corner and hear him. He's yelling. I run towards his voice and then stop when I see him in a room. They're beating him.

I start running again and I try to get into the room, but I can't. I bang on the door trying to break whatever it is that's holding me back. I see them stab him with knives and continue to hurt him. "Stop. Leave him alone." I shout still banging.

One of the men that was hurting him turns to me. He smiles before punching Mason in the face. I scream at them to stop, but they won't. I stand there helpless and then one of them breaks his neck. I fall to the floor as I see Mason go limp. I hold a hand to my mouth holding back my cries.

"Autumn, Autumn." I hear a voice. Confused I open my eyes and see Mason. He's leaning over me with my head in his lap. I sit up staring at him. He's....he's fine. I throw my arms around him and begin to cry. "Hey, hey, shh, it's fine." I hear him say.

I keep my arms around him to make sure he's real. I pull back putting my hands on his face. "You're ok." I say and he nods looking confused.

"Perfectly fine." He replies and I laugh before hugging him again. I feel him rub my back and it helps calm my breathing down. "We're going to be leaving soon." He says. I pull away from him and nod.

I keep looking at him still not sure if he's really here. He looks like he's thinking about something. He looks back at me and raises an eyebrow. "Why are you staring at me?" He asks and I smile.

"Because you're still here, alive," I say and he gives me a small smile.

"Takes a lot to get rid of me." He says. It feels good to smile with him. Makes me feel like what's going on isn't really happening.

"When we get back I'm chewing my Dad out for how long we were stuck here," I say and he lets out a laugh.

"We don't even know where we are." He says and I shrug.

"But this is what he supposed to do. Find and rescue people, in a timely manner." I say still not serious.

"Never had to be in a timely manner." Mason replies and then says, "Come on. I believe it's been around three hours." He says. I don't know how he kept the time, but he managed. I stand up feeling queasy. He walks up to the door and I follow him. He grabs the handle but then lets go of it. I look at him confused, but he grabs me and kisses me.

I'm shocked as Mason continues to kiss me. I begin to kiss him back and feel him smile. He pulls me closer to him and I feel hot everywhere. I grab him behind his neck and pull him closer to me. Almost out of breath we pull away. Mason rests his head on mine and our breaths mix together. "What was that about?" I ask not able to wipe the smile I have off.

"I had to do it at least once." He says.

"Well when we make it out, you can do it again," I say and he looks up at me shocked. I smile and he shakes his head.

"Always surprising me." He mumbles staring at me.

"Alright, now let's get out of here," I say. He nods getting serious and grabs the door handle. They don't really ever lock it because there's always guards outside and the man that kidnapped us thinks it's fun to watch us try and escape. 

"When I open this there will be at least two guys right there. You ready?" He asks. I tighten my fists and look over at him.

"Let's go." Is all I have to say before he pulls open the door.

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