Chapter 10 - "Can I have my side back?"

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I jump and end up dropping the clothes I was holding. I turn and see no other than Aaron. "Grabbing things for my sister," I say and begin to pick up the clothes again. I see Mason standing behind Aaron a few feet away which makes my heart rate slow a little.

"Why? Not like she's living with you." He says taking a few steps towards me. I make eye contact with Mason and somehow he knows not to make his presence known.

"Yes, I told you before. She's done with you and your past. She and her daughter are living with me and you won't ever get to her again." I say and he laughs while shaking his head. He comes up to me and hanks my arm towards him. Mason's had enough and takes a few strides towards us and removes Aaron's hand from my arm.

"Really Autumn, your little boyfriend came to protect you." He says laughing. I ignore him and begin putting clothes into a backpack that was on a floor. I know Mason can handle himself with Aaron.

"Just drop this Aaron. Move on and go live your life far away from us." I say and he begins to yell.

"No. She's my girlfriend and my baby's with her. I deserve to see them." He says throwing the nearest thing he can grab, which happened to be a lamp. I jump at his voice but recover quickly.

"You don't deserve anything. You beat the living hell out of my sister. She was in the hospital and you played with her head. You made her so f*cked up she still has to see a counselor. If you wanted to be in that child's life then maybe you should have thought about the consequences of your actions. Don't you dare ever say that you deserve to see them." I spit back. I know I shouldn't be getting this angry with my head, but I can't help it. This man, sorry, piece of sh*t doesn't deserve to be on this planet let alone say that he deserves to see my sister.

"I-I didn't mean to. just happened." He says and I shake my head knowing it's just bs talk.

"Your mind games won't work on me. You knew what you were doing and you liked it. Just let me get Ashley's things and then we'll never have to see each other's faces again." I say turning towards him. Mason makes sure to stand a little in front of me the whole time.

"Fine. Fine. I'm..I'm not playing any mind games." He says and falls into the couch. I nod my head and go around the house grabbing the things I know Ashley will want. Mason and I make a few trips to the car and back to the apartment. Aaron just watches us and he almost has me believing that he's not the bad guy, almost. "She really is going to live with you." He says and I hear the anger in his words.

"I told you that she's done with you. She wants to move on and you need to too." I say and he stands up and walks towards me.

"It's your fault. You're the one that plays mind games with her. She loves me. She wants me back." He shouts. I shake my head and get ready to walk out the door when he grabs and twists my arm. Things then happen so fast I don't know what's happened except that I'm on the floor with my head spinning and my arm throbbing.

"You'd better stay f*cking stay far away from her and her family because if I see you're f*cking face ever again you don't want to know the connections I have." I hear Mason shout, but don't think about it too much. My head is causing me too many problems to notice my surroundings.

I still can't seem to get my body and mind to work, but I'm helped up by someone. Most likely Mason. I feel the cold air hit my face and it makes the dizziness die down. "Mason?" I ask confused as he puts me in the car.

"Autumn. Hey, look at me." He says and my head rolls in his direction. His eye is all purple, I think.

"What happen?" I ask trying to bring my hand up, but it only hits him in the chest.

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