Chapter 1 - Does it have a purple cover with a lot of drawings on it?

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"Ok, so what you're telling me is that Mason and Mathew are going to be living with me?" I ask still not fully understanding.

"Yes, but Mathew will only be with you for three days because his Grandmother lives closer to the school he'll be going to," Amanda says. I found out her name when I invited them in.

"Ok, so Mathew for three days and Mason is with me for two weeks and is with me at school?" I ask stirring the noodles. I'm making spaghetti for the kids.

"Yes, your father says you're really responsible and the boys can't come with where my husband and I are going." She says and I hear Hailey start crying.

"One moment," I say leaving the noodles to see Mia holding a toy and Hailey trying to grab it. "Mia, did you take her toy?" I say and she looks up at me.

"It's mine, not hers." She says holding the little pony to her. I kneel down at her level.

"What did we talk about sharing?" I ask and Mia shakes her head. I take a deep breath and grab Hailey. Once she's in my arms she stops crying and plays with the necklace I have on. "Sorry about that," I say putting Hailey on my hip and adding the sauce.

"No, perfectly fine, trust me I know the struggles," Amanda says and I smile. "Also you'll be getting a 100 dollars every week for the boys. They both eat a lot and Mason will go through your house." She says and Mason becomes a little red. Mathew is sitting on the ground playing a video game on his DS.

"Well ok. Did they bring any clothes?" I ask and she stands up and nods.

"Boys go and get your bags." She says and they do. "Mathew loves to play his video games so if he is misbehaving just threaten to take them away. He'll do anything for you after that and Mason is a quiet boy. He keeps to himself but loves to play basketball. I was hoping you could introduce him to the rest of the team at your school." She says and I nod.

"Sure, what grade is he in, though. I mean they've both been homeschooled so..." I say and she looks away from me as they walk back in with their bags. "You guys can just put it in the living room somewhere," I say and they nod their heads.

"Well they say Mason should go into 12, and that if he has any issues that he can get a personal tutor. For Mathew, they said 3rd grade and that he should be ahead of his class." She says and I nod my head in acknowledgment. Hailey continues to play with my necklace not noticing any word anyone's saying.

"Well, I'm a junior so he'll probably have different classes than me," I say trying to hint at her to tell me why he would need to follow me around for whole two weeks. I mean that's a lot of time to get used to a school.

"Well you are in almost all advanced classes so that should meet up pretty well and he's just really shy. We just don't want him to be thrown into high school." She says and watches as the boys walk back to the kitchen.

"Ok, then. I guess I'll see you in two weeks when you come back." I say and she holds out her hand. We quickly shake as I'm still cooking and holding Hailey.

"Really nice to meet you." She says with a wide smile.

"Likewise," I say before she turns to her boys with a stern look.

"If you two give her any trouble so help me, you think Dad's bad wait til I get at you." She says and I try not to laugh because both of her kids look up at her frightened. She then gives them hugs before leaving. I laugh lightly and look back at the little boy.

"Mathew you can go play with the other kids. Josephine can tell you all their names." I say and he smiles. I laugh as he runs to the front room. He's such a cute little boy. I then look towards Mason. "Do you have any school supplies?" I ask beginning to make everyone's plate.

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