Chapter 11 - I see Aaron

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"It's okay to open up. Go ahead and let the light shine through," I sing with my phone as I continue to draw. "I know it's hard on a rainy day. You wanna shut the world out and just be left alone. But don't run out on your fait-"

"Carrie Underwood?" Mason says walking into my room. I nod smiling that he new and continue to sing along, but more quietly. "Can't I just take a picture and put it over my paper?" He says in a whining voice.

I laugh and shake my head. "Come on, yours isn't that bad." He gives me a look saying he knows I'm lying.

"Mia can draw a better picture than me." He says watching me work. I shake my head again and turn my paper. I then look for my soft pencil. I look under my papers, turn around in circles looking all over my desk and don't find it. "What are ya looking for?" He asks.

"My other pencil." I say checking the little drawer. I then feel my hair fall out and go into my face. "Hey-, wait, is that-" I don't finish because Mason's already nodding.

"Why don't you just use a hair tie?" He asks giving me the pencil.

"Can't ever find one. The kids are always needing one." I say shading more of the picture.

"Well I'm gonna go read my book. Night." He says and yawns.

"Alright, night." I say before he walks out my door. I turn back to my paper and tell myself I will finish.

"Autumn." I hear. I keep my eyes closed not wanting to wake up. "Autumn," I hear again. This time I open my eyes and see Mason with a big smile on his face.

"Why're you so happy?" I ask sitting up and cracking my back. I look down to see I had fallen asleep doing my project.

"Look in a mirror." He says. I look at him strangely before standing up and walking to the bathroom. When I turn the light on my eyes widen at my reflection. I have black and grey marks all over my face, neck, and arms.

"Well then," I say walking back to my room to grab clothes to change into. Mason's still got a big grin on his face and I roll my eyes. "Not that funny," I mumble. He doesn't say anything. "Everyone comes back today and I'm going to work later tonight," I tell Mason as he's leaning against my door while I'm grabbing clothes that were scattered around my room. Ashley went to the store with Emma and had left a mess. "Also Josephine and River have practice today," I inform him walking back out the room and throwing the clothes down the shoot.

"I got everything, you just need to make sure you don't overwork yourself. Your Grandma is already mad that you're going." He says following me around.

"I'll be fine, just need to be careful of the lights and how I'm holding the trays." I say and hear my phone. I look around and run back to my room to answer. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's your Dad. I was calling to ask how you are doing?" He asks and I stop walking.

"W-what?" I ask confused.

"I asked how are you doing?" He says again and I can just hear his smile.

"I', doing fine. What about you?" I reply and Mason comes into my view sending me a questioning look. I mouth my Dad, and his face gets more confused before he shrugs.

"I'm doing fine, but I asked you to get a good answer, not one you give when you're walking through a hallway and see someone you know." He says.

"Um, hasn't been too busy the last week, but I think it's going to pick up again. I've been doing good in school, not too much drama." I say not knowing why he's called me.

"Well, that's good. Your Grandma called and told me about your concussion. How's that going? Are you taking in slow?" He asks and I feel like giving her a lecture about how I don't need him worrying about me on top of his job.

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