Chapter 12 - My big hero

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"Aaron go home before you do something that's going to cause you to end up back in jail," I warn trying to keep a good two feet between us. He doesn't say anything, but he grabs my arm and shoves me into the back of my car. I feel something press in my back, but ignore it as I push against him.

"Don't you ever tell me what to do you b*tch." He shouts causing spit to hit my face. I wipe it away and look up at him.

"Aaron just please go home and cool off," I say knowing that I can't do much to save myself.

"No. No this is bullsh*t. Ashley loves me and I know she does." He shouts pulling on the ends of his hair.

"No Aaron she's moved on," I say and he shakes his head pointing a finger at me.

"'re making her stay away from me. You're messing with her head and trying to do it to mess with me." He says getting closer to me. I back into my car more.

"Aaron I'm not doing anything to you or my sister. She wants to get her life back together and she feels you aren't going to help with that-." I say trying to calm him down, but he put his hand over my mouth cutting my words off.

"No.No.No. Shut up." He says and I try to pry his hand away from my mouth because he's covering both my mouth and nose. He looks down at me angrily. I continue to try and pull his hand down, but it's not doing anything so I open my mouth and bite him. He removes his hand and I take a deep breath.

"Aaron you need to f*cking leave. You were choking me." I say as he stomps towards me. I duck as he throws a punch and throw one at him in the stomach. He groans. "Aaron, I'm sorry, just go," I say grabbing my keys from off the ground and trying to unlock my car door. Once it's in the keyhole Aaron yanks back my arm and throws another punch at my side. I bring my hands up blocking my face. "Aaron leave me alone," I yell and continue to try and block as he throws punches.

He gets close enough to me where I can knee him where the sun doesn't shine. I take the chance and quickly unlock the door to slide in. I start the car and back out as he shouts at me. I ignore him and take off down the road.

The rest of the way home I keep checking to make sure he isn't following me. Once I get home I quickly lock the door and hear Mercedes snores. I quietly make my way to the bathroom to see what damage was done. I feel more pain now that my adrenaline has gone.

Luckily there was only a few bruises on my arms and my stomach, none on my face which is good because then I don't have to make up a story. I walk into the living room and turn the lamp on. I grab my clothes from my bag and take my shirt off. "Autumn?" I hear Mason voice and jump. I pull the shirt quickly over my head.

"What the hell Mason? You could have told me you were awake or at least turned away." I say, but he walks over to me without saying anything. I look at him confused. 

"How'd you get that bruise?" He says and I look at him pretending not to know. "The one on your back." Now, I'm not pretending. 

"There's one on my back too," I say and then my eyes widen at what I said. He looks up at me and I can see him tighten his jaw. "Aaron came to my work and we had a little argument and I he waited at my car. He was angry and threw a few punches, but I got into my car and left as soon as I could." I quickly spit out. Mason paces a few times and I watch him waiting for a reaction.

"Let me see that bruise again." He says. I turn my back to him and lift my shirt up. "Why'd you have your back to him?" He asks.

"I didn't. He pushed me into my car and something dug into my back, most likely the mirror." I say and look down. I see the little bruise on my stomach and hope it goes away quickly. I feel Mason pull my shirt down in the back. I hold up my front and lightly touch the bruise. I immediately remove my hand as pain shoots from my stomach.

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