Chapter 21-He asks startling me

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I wake up panicked and look around to try and figure out where I am. What the hell? Why am I-, then I remember. I put my hand on my sweaty forehead trying to calm myself down. I see Mason's still fast asleep and I'm glad. I look around and see that's there's nothing around. Get ahold of yourself.

I shake away my nerves and lay back down. Just go to sleep. I keep telling myself this until I doze off.

I continue to follow the man. I don't know why I just do. I watch as the more we walk the more darker it gets. I start to see more people. I try to stay away from them but feel a sharp pain in my foot. I look down, but can't see anything.

I push as the people get closer to me. They're all saying things and I can't understand. "Just one at a time," I yell curling into a ball. They don't go away and they seem to be getting angrier at me. "What do you want?" I shout as I feel tears come running down my face.

I don't know what happens, but they're all gone. I look around, but there's no one. They all vanished. I slowly get back up to my feet when I see my Dad on the ground. I run to him, but I can't seem to catch up to him. "Dad." I yell banging on something I can't see. It's blocking me from getting to him. I see him look up at me and shake his head. "Dad. Wh-what's wrong?" I ask. I then see where his hand is. It's holding his stomach and I see blood, a lot of it. "Dad." I yell and bang again. I continue to bang on the invisible force until he's gone.

I turn around in circles until I fall. "What do you want from me?" I shout looking everywhere. It stays quiet and I get back to my feet. It seems to be getting colder and colder so I start walking again. I find myself in a forest. I walk slower not wanting to trip. No one that I can see is in the forest, but I feel people watching. I keep looking over my shoulder paranoid.

I hear someone shout my name. I turn towards the voice, but I can't see them. I pick up my pace, but I hear the voice again. "Leave me alone," I yell and then something grabs my feet. I fall onto the floor yelling. "I didn't do anything."

"Autumn, honey. It's ok, just wake up." I hear a voice.

"I am awake. Just leave me alone, I-I didn't do anything." I say looking frantically around me.

"I know you didn't do anything, just push past it. Wake up." I hear the voice again.

"What do you want?" I ask getting to my feet and spinning around.

"I just want you to wake up and give me a hug." It sounds like a nice voice. That's just what they want you to think, I remind myself.

"I know your tricks. You-you stay away." I say still trying to see them. "Show yourself. Come on." I yell looking for anyone. I then feel someone's warm hand on my arm. I jump looking down at my arm.

"Autumn, it's Mason. Can you tell me where you are?" He asks. Why would they ask where I am? They are the one's that put me here. What if it's really him? Did he try to find me?

"I'm-I' in a forest or something. I don't know." I say trying to find a landmark.

"Ok, well will you walk with me?" He asks. I almost give in, but then I remember they could be trying to lead me into a trap. I then hear another voice.

"They want to get to your family. Are you really going to let another family member die because of you?" They say.

I rip my arm and back away. "What do you want with my family? You can't touch them." I yell swinging around. "Come out so I can see you." I say continuing to shout. I hear talking, but it's too soft for me to hear. I back away from the noise hoping they won't notice.

Once I'm far enough from them I turn and run. I run feeling the cold ground under my feet, the cold air blowing in my face. I don't get far before someone grabs me around the waist. I yell and kick trying to get them off of me. They overpower me and I begin to feel dizzy. I start blinking to try and get a hold of myself. As I blink I see the person holding me to the ground.

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