Chapter 2 - Sorry, I just don't like flashing my ass and boobs at everyone

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"Autumn I told you I needed a new notebook. I even put it on the board." Josephine says pointing to the whiteboard. I write what the kids need on it or they can write something. It's to help me keep track of everything, but it hasn't been helping much.

"Ok, what color?" I ask frustrated with myself for not noticing.

"Green." She says and I find my green notebook. I rip the few pages that I had written in and hand it to her. She takes it and shoves it in her bag before running out of the house to catch the bus. My phone then rings. "Hello?"

"Autumn. Hey, can you babysit today?" I hear my big sister, Ashley, ask.

"And why do you need a sitter?" I ask trying to get Mia to put her shoes on.

"I just wanna have a break and have some fun." She whines.

"I can't, I have work after school today," I say and Ashley huffs.

"Well, I'll just drop her off at Mia's daycare and then you can pick them both up." She says and before I can protest she ends the call.

"Sure, whatever, that's fine, not like I have a life," I say sarcastically while picking Mia up. I put her in my lap and wrap my legs around her and then put her shoes on. She screams and yells the whole time and when I let go she begins to take them off. "Mia, you'd better keep those on," I say in a stern voice. She looks up with her hand still on the velcro. She, of course, doesn't listen so I have to get her and put them back on.

When I get them on I pull her coat on, grab her bag, and make my way to my car. She screams and kicks the whole way there. I put the kicking child in her seat and put the bag under the seat. Then, after much fighting, I get her buckled. She continues to yell at me and tell me I'm not her best friend. I close the door as Mathew gets in on the other side. I quickly walk back into the house and grab my school bag.

"Mason, you ready?" I ask waiting for him. He comes around the corner with his bag and nods. Once he's out I shut the door and quickly lock it. I jog to my car and then drive to the daycare. Once Mia's dropped off I drive Mathew to his Grandparents house and then quickly make it to school. "We're going to be late," I say glancing at the clock in my car.

We pull into the parking lot and then run to my class. Mason follows close behind and we make it just as the bell rings. "Autumn glad you could make it on time." My teacher says and I wave. I take a seat next to my friends Riley and Olivia.

"Every morning," Olivia says as I take my seat. I motion for Mason to take a seat.

"Mason, Olivia and Riley, Olivia, Riley, this is Mason," I say. Mason smiles and Olivia and Riley smile back.

"Enough talking back there." Our teacher scolds. I look up at him and take my notebook out. Mason follows my actions and we begin listening.


"You have a lot of friends," Mason says as we are walking through the halls.

"Most aren't my friends, just people I can talk to. Alivia, Kate, and Matt are my true friends." I say and he nods his head. We then walk into my math class.

"Good morning Autumn and this must be Mason." Mrs. Shefcheik says.

"Morning and yes. Mason this is Mrs. Shefcheik." I say and they shake hands.

"Nice to meet you." She says.

"You too." He says back.

"Well we got new seats today, you and Mason are at the back table." She says. I nod my head and make my way to where she pointed.

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