Chapter 19 - Mason you're all that's left

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Giggles. That's what I hear when I wake up. I open my eyes and see everyone in the doorway staring at me. "What?" I mumble confused. I then feel motion behind me. I turn around and see what they're all laughing at. I have my legs draped over Mason, he's holding my hand, and I'm wrapped up in the comforter while he looks kinda cold.

"Told you-you're a blanket hog," Josephine says. I turn and glare at her. I lift my legs and begin to untangle myself from the 500 blankets. My Grandma ushers everyone out thank gawd because as I try to untangle Mason somehow grabs my waist and pulls me into him.

"Mason. Can I please get up?" I ask and he stirs a little. "Mason," I say in a high pitched voice. I see him slowly open his eyes. "Hello. I'd like to unwrap myself from the blankets if that's alright with you." I say and he looks at me confused. I look down at his arm and then he realizes he was holding me. "Thank you," I say and pull on the blankets.

"How'd you manage this?" He asks as I'm still pulling on the blankets.

"I've got no clue," I say and he pulls the end of the blanket, this gets me unwrapped finally. "Thanks," I say getting up. I stretch and he laughs. "What?" I ask turning back to him.

"Nothing." He says. I eye him skeptically.

"Come on you two. Time for breakfast." I hear my Grandma say. I nod and walk out the bedroom. "You found it?" I hear her say as we walk up the stairs. I look over at her and she's pointing to my hand.

"Oh...yeah, we were looking for the movies and I found it along with her other things." She smiles and I ask, "Why did you keep everything?"

She doesn't say anything until we get to the kitchen. "I figured that you should be the one to go through everything, but never got around to asking you."

I nod and see all the kids eating omelets. They're all talking about something and smile until I realize that my little brother can't be here. I walk over the kitchen and begin to help clean up. I see Mason take a seat next to Mia in the dining room. He talks with her and she laughs. I smile and my Grandma looks at me funny. "Whaaat?" I ask.

"Whaaat are you looking at?"

"Nothing. Just making sure everything's fine at the table." I say and she shakes her head.

"Lier." She says wiping the counter off.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about." I say grabbing a dirty dish.

"Sure you don't." She says and I know my cheeks are red. "You'd just better be careful." She warns and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, be careful of the guy that's here to protect me," I say and turn to see her reaction, but she shrugs.

"You never know and Ashley had to talk to someone about it." She adds and I nod my head. "I kinda knew you'd find out, just didn't know when."

I smile and then hear a crash. I look over and see that Mia's cup is now on the ground along with whatever was in it. I grab a rag and get it wet before walking over to the table. I grab the cup and put it back on the table. "What happen Mia?" I ask while trying to clean up the apple juice.

"It slipped." She says and I bring the rag back to the sink to ring out.

"You need to be careful Mia," I say coming back. She nods and looks like she's about to cry. I grab her side and tickle her. She begins to laugh and I smile. "Silly girl," I say standing back up and rinsing the rag out.

"Aunt Natalie will be watching the kids this weekend, so you and Mason will be coming with me to clean up the farm." My Grandma says.

"I need to stay here for River. I don't know when he's going to be allowed to leave the hospital." I say and she shakes her head.

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