Chapter 8 - He whines

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"No," Mason says crossing his arms.

"Come on, I'll be fine," I say trying to get to the door. He continues to block my way.

"I don't want my head ripped off by your Grandmother and the doctor said two days." He says and I glare at him before walking back to the living room. It's a disaster in here. There are plates, clothes, bags of chips, pillows, and everything else laying everywhere. "You're messy," I say and he scuffs.

"Sure, I'm the one that is laying around all day." He says and I turn at him.

"I'm forced to lay around all day and watch little kid movies." I say and then remember, "Hey, we're going to watch Zootopia and then Croods."

"Fine, but then Home and Cars." He says and I nod. We then both make our way to the couch and get comfortable. He puts his feet on the ottoman and I lay on his side. This is how we've been since we got back from the hospital. My phone rings and I lean over to grab it.


"Autumn, I'm coming over." I hear Alivia say and then she ends the call.

"Alivia will be coming over. Guess she's ditching." I say and he laughs before pressing play. I quickly messaged her that the doors unlocked.

We don't get too far into the movie before we hear the door open. "I'm home." She yells and I laugh a little. We hear her come down the hallway and see her enter the living room. She then turns the light on.

"Hey. Alivia." I say and then groan as I feel a headache come.

"Crap, sorry." She says and turns the light back off. I feel Mason turn towards me.

"I'm fine, just caused me a little headache," I say waving Mason off.

"You sure, I completely forgot how sensitive lights are." She says taking a seat next to us holding a bag of something.

"You've had a concussion?" I hear Mason.

"Yeah, gym plus competitive boys plus football equaled concussion for me." She says.

"Fun," Mason says and she nods.

"So, how've the headaches and balance been?" She asks and I look up at her.

"Balance is like a zero," Mason says and I glare at him.

"I'm not that bad, headaches haven't been too bad either," I say before Mason can say anything else.

"Any disorientation, vomiting, irritability, ringing ears?" She asks and I raise my eyebrow. "What?"

"You sound like a doctor and no vomiting since after the doctor, no ringing ears, little disorientation-"

"Little? She had no clue who I was or where she was when she woke up. I thought I was going to have to bring her back to the hospital. Scared the sh*t out of me." He says and I shrug.

"Yeah, I was the same way. I ended up punching my Dad because I taught he kidnapped me." She says and Mason and I laugh. "So, what are we watching?" She asks turning to the TV.

"Zootopia." Mason says.

"Sweet. And guess what I got you?" She asks holding up the bag. I look at it confused. "Capri Sun." She says and I've got the bag before she finished the word. I open the box quickly, stick the straw in, and take a long drink.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." I say while she's laughing. I then see the look on Mason's face which makes me begin laughing.

"She loooovves Capri Sun." Alivia says and he shakes his head.

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