Chapter 25-I need him

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We knock the two guards out and drag them into our room. Mason grabs a gun off one of them and then grabs the other one. "You remember how to use one?" He asks. I shake my head. My Dad taught me when I was really young, but I never liked using one. I see him check something and pull before holding it out for me. "Just aim and pull." He says.

I grab it and make sure to keep it down. Mason nods for me to follow him. I do and he leads us through the maze. Mason is jogging and I have to run to keep up with him. We don't get far when three of the men see us. They go to pull out their guns when Mason shots each one. All three fall to the floor.

I don't know if they're dead and don't stay to find out. "Autumn, come on." Mason says as I'm starting to slow down. My lung can't take this much exercise. I look up and nod my head. I notice he slows down just a little.

We run into more and more people and each time Mason shots them. Mason has me running in front now and I just hope no one comes running around a corner. He tells me to take a left and I get ready to when I see the leader and five other guys. I try to go straight or anyone other direction, but it doesn't work. The leader already grabbed me.

He grabs my arms and I try pulling away. He tightens his grip and I hear gunshots. The leader's men are on the ground and he sighs. "Some of them were good men." He says and then pulls out a gun and points it at Mason. Mason holds his at the leader. He laughs and then points the gun at me.

"You need her." Mason says still holding his gun out.

"She just needs to be breathing." He says and shots the ground right next to me. He then puts it at my leg. Mason bends down and puts the gun on the floor. "Kick it." The leader says. Mason does and stands back up. He looks at me and blinks three times fast.

That's a signal. I stomp on the leader's foot and bend down. Mason punches him in the face and continues to hit him until I'm free. Mason takes the leader to the ground and they continue to fight back and forth. I don't know what to do, my feet are frozen in place.

I watch as the leader gets Mason's gun and pulls the trigger. It barely misses Mason and I see him ready to pull the trigger again. I hold the gun I have up. My hands shake as I see the white shirt clear in view. I pull the trigger and my eyes tightly shut. I hear a thumb, but don't open my eyes. "Autumn, we need to go." I hear Mason's voice.

I open my eyes and see the body on the ground. I hit him in the neck. I killed a person. I feel Mason take the gun out of my hand. "Autumn, he deserved it." I hear but can't believe it. I killed a man. "Autumn, stay with me," Mason says and I turn away from the body. "Come on. We're almost out." He says taking my hand and pulling me after him.

He pulls me until we get to a familiar door. The doctor's door. Mason slowly opens the door and then quickly pulls me in. He shuts the door and puts a few things in front of it. I watch as he goes to the window and begins to break the bars and glass.

I hear noises outside the door and walk to Mason. We hear pounding and then a gunshot. The commotion stops and I stare at the door confused. Then I hear more gunshots and yelling. "Autumn, go." Mason says grabbing me. He pulls a wooden chair and I stand on top of it. I reach up to the window and begin to pull myself up. It hurts my hands as the glass cuts me. I feel pieces dig into me as I reach outside.

Once I get out the window Mason starts to pull himself through the window. He's bigger so it states longer to get him out, but when he's free we start running. We run into the forest not glancing back at the hell we've been stuck at.

We continue to run when there's an explosion. The force knocks me to the ground and I feel like someone just dropped weights all over my body. It hurts to move, but I open my eyes to see what happened.

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