Chapter 20-I know where it's going to be

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"Autumn you're in the truck and Mason will drive your car." My Grandmother says over the phone.

"He won't like me driving the truck," I say looking over at him. He's playing with the kids in the living room while Aunt Natalie is getting something.

"Yeah, well you know how that truck works, or well how it doesn't work. I don't want any accidents or close accidents. Tell him to grow up if he complains." She states. I take a deep breath and nod my head.

"I understand, just hope he doesn't sit here and argue."

"He'll be fine. Ok, I gotta go and help your Grandad. Drive safe." She says and I hear another voice. Must be Grandpa's.

"Ok, we will. Bye love you." I say into my phone.

"Bye." She quickly says before ending the call. I put my phone back into my butt pocket and walk over the everyone.

"Now, you guys be good for Aunt Natalie. If I hear anything bad you'll be dealing with not only me, but Grandma. Understand?" I ask and all the kids nod there head, well Mia shakes hers, but I'm not too worried about her. "Mason you packed everything for yourself right?" He nods his head and I go over everything we might need. Bag of clothes, done. Food, done. Work gloves, done. Blankets and winter gear, done. "I think we got everything," I question and he stands up.

"Yup, believe so."

"Ok, you'll be driving my car and I'll be taking the truck," I say quickly and get ready to turn away, but he grabs my arm.

"Wait. Why are we taking two cars?" He asks as Aunt Natalie comes back into the room.

"They need the truck to hall some things and we need the car to sleep in," I say and he continues to stare at me.

"Well I know how to drive a truck-"

"Our truck works funny. My Grandma doesn't want you to get in an accident so she wants me to drive it."

"So she's ok with you getting into an accident?" He asks sounding frustrated.

"No. I know how the truck works and what to do when it malfunctions. She just trusts that I'll be safer." I say and Aunt Natalie smiles behind him.

"Men always having to be the manly ones." She mumbles and Mason shakes his head.

"No. That's not what I mean. I just...just think that I'd be better at driving a truck. I mean Autumn, you are kinda small to be driving that kind of truck." He says and I lightly smack him in the head.

"Get over yourself and don't tell me I'm too small to do something because I will prove you wrong. Now grab your bag and let's go." I say walking around him to give everyone hugs. Once the kids have given me hugs I give my Aunt one.

"Alright. See you guys sometime Sunday." I say. I get a few see yeahs and byes. I smile before walking down the carpeted stairs. I put my tennies on, grab my Grandma's old work jacket, and the hat Mason gave me. He keeps quiet until we get to the cars.

"Can I have your keys?" He asks.

"Oh yeah." I say digging into my sweatshirt pocket. I feel them and toss them at him. He catches them and gets into my car. I walk up to the truck and throw the jacket in the passenger seat. I then hoist myself into the truck. I just make it in and lean to pull the door closed. I try and start the truck, but it just rumbles at me.

I try again and this time it starts. I change from neutral to first gear and get out of the driveway. Mason follows me and I make sure not to go too far away from him.

I slam the truck door close after jumping out of it. It's dark and I see my Grandma and Grandpa around a fire of something. I wait for Mason to catch up with me and then we walk over to them.

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