Chapter 6 - I'll have to teach you the difference.

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"Yeah, good luck," I say to my Aunt Sheryl. I wave as I walk away and Hailey waves back. I pull myself into the van and begin driving back home.

"Why won't you tell me who he is?" Mason asks and I let out a breath.

"Because he doesn't matter," I say looking over at him.

"If he's causing problems then he does matter." He says and I shake my head.

"He's Ashley's ex-boyfriend," I say turning to look at him again. "Happy?" I ask looking back at the road.

"Why is he in jail?"

"He thought it'd be a good idea to try and rob a store while he was drunk," I say keeping my eyes on the road.

"Why is he causing so many issues then?"

"He got my sister knocked up, left her after saying it was her fault and he decided to beat her up. Now that he's going to be let out on probation he wants her back even though there is a restraining order." I say feeling myself get worked up.

"Why would he call you?"

"I'm the one that found him leaving my sister's house the first time and made him go to jail, but he got out not long after. He also thinks I'm the reason she got the restraining order against him and won't talk to him." I say glancing back over at him.

"Will he come after you?"

"He can try, but he doesn't know where I live and he's too dumb to figure it out," I say and Mason stays quiet the rest of the ride.

When we get back to my house I clean up the kitchen from this morning before taking out homework. Mason stays in the front room attacking his keyboard.

"I've gotta leave for work. You can stay here or come with, up to you." I say already dressed.

"I'll come." He says closing his laptop and grabbing his coat. We leave the house and I drive us to the restaurant. I tell him to pick a seat and go to the back to clock in.

"Afternoon," Jane says smiling at me.

"Good evening," I say and she looks past me into the dining room.

"Who's the man that came in with you?" She asks with a wink.

"He's a friend and don't you go winking at me. Get to work." I say and she laughs.

"I will, right over to him." She says and whips her brown hair into my face. I shake my head at her before going back out to take some orders.


"See you later," Jane says clocking out.

"Alright. You not working tomorrow?" I ask and she nods her head.

"Nope off Monday and Tuesday." She says with a smile.

"Have fun doing nothing," I say and she smirks.

"Oh, I will." She says before leaving. As she leaves I see Dimitri walk in. They both say hi before continuing to walk.

"How are you, Autumn?" He asks once he's up to me.

"Good. How about you?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I've had better days." He says and I smile.

"Hopefully it gets better," I said before leaving with an order.

After a few hours, the place starts to settle down and I take a seat next to Mason. "What's had you so busy?" I ask and he looks up at me.

"Well, I was talking with my parents to see how they were doing, and told them about the basketball thing." He says and I smile.

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