Chapter 13 - Hey, baby girl

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For the rest of the time while I was working many people asked about Aaron and if I was alright. I never thought I'd be so popular and frankly, it was quite annoying.

"So how to do you think Ashley's doing with the kids?" I ask as we both get into my car. He starts the car while laughing.

"I don't know, I mean it could be fine, but also....not so fine." He says glancing over at me.

"I think it's going to be the not so fine," I say with a smile. I've been gone for about nine hours and she's not too great with kids.

"It's only four-ish, it can't be that bad." He said, but boy was he wrong.

When we get home all I can hear is screaming and yelling. I stand frozen when I see Ashley yelling at almost everyone. Josephine is holding something in her hands and it looks to be broken. Mia is holding a Barbie doll that isn't dressed and she's screaming. I look over in the corner and see Hailey coloring on Emma with a marker. I then see Mercedes sitting on Mathew and River trying to get her off while yelling.

"Enough," I say loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone shuts up and looks at me. "Mia put that marker down now and go get a wet rag." She puts the cap on and runs to get a rag. "Mercedes get off of Mathew and go in the living room." She glares at me and stomps out of my view. The boys also get up and leave the room. I turn to Mia, "Mia stop screaming if you want some clothes for your doll you know that they are in your room, in the purple drawer." She stares at me and I give her a look. She gets up slowly very slowly walks out of the room. That little girl knows how to push my buttons. "Now, Josephine what are you holding and why were you yelling at Ashley?" I ask putting my hands on my hips.

"She" She points to Ashley, "let Hailey into my room and you wanna know what the little brat did? She got my folder and started to rip my project." She says and now I can see that it was supposed to be some 3d thing. I didn't notice, but Hailey's back in the corner trying to wipe the marker off of Emma. I walk over to her and she looks up at me.

"Hailey, did you rip up your sister's project?" I ask getting down to her level. She looks back at Josephine and nods. "Why would you do that?" I ask and she has tears forming in her eyes.

"She nefer play with me." She says in a cute little voice.

"Well she would have to get her homework done before she could and she gets very busy. Sometimes you have to learn to play by yourself. I want you to go over there and apologize to Josephine." She keeps her head down and nods. She walks over to Josephine and whispers.

"I'm worry fer hurting your protect." She says and I look up at Josephine, she huffs and walks away.

"You did a good job, Hailey, it's just that it meant a lot to her and now she'll have to do it all over again," I say as she runs into my arms crying. "Next time just wait or make up a game alright?" I say and pull her back from my arms. She wipes her eyes and nods.

I smile and then hold my hand out for the rag. She hands it over and I pick Emma up off the ground. I'm surprised she wasn't screaming and crying. "Can I go play?" Hailey asks. I nod and she runs off. I then begin to wipe the marker off Emma. Glad I only buy washable markers.

"Ashley, what the hell happened?" I asked glancing up at her in a harsh tone that I don't ever like to use with the kids.

"They're demon children. None of them listen to me and I swear they all gained up on me and Josephine. Oh, that little girl is going to get hurt if she keeps talking that way." She angerly states. 

"They can be hard to handle, but yelling isn't going to solve anything. If they were really that bad you could have just put them all in one separate room." I say and Ashley folds her arms.

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