Chapter 15 - Nancy

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I wake up and I think my heads going to explode. I groan and cover my eyes with my hand. I listen and hear nothing. This makes me open one eye. The house is never this quiet.

I open my other eye and look around. The light is shining through the window and I slowly get up. This makes not only my head hurt but my stomach churn. I look at the time and freeze. "Oh sh*t." I swear running to the nearest room to yell and get the kids up, but when I open the door it's empty. I go and check the rest of the rooms and they're all empty.

I being to panic and remember that Aaron took me and said that there was a man outside. "I swear to f*cking god if he hurt them," I say trying to find my laptop and access the security cameras. Once I find it I have to do my password a million times before it works. "Come on. Come on." I say as it takes is sweet old time loading.

Before my computer loads, I hear the door. I jump up and run to the front of the house. I crash into someone as I round the corner. I pull back and see Mason. "Where are the kids? Aaron he-"

"I know. They are either at school or in daycare. They're perfectly fine." He says and I let out a breath. Now that I'm not panicking I feel my stomach trying to kill me. I quickly run back to the bathroom, slam the door, and empty my guts out in the toilet.

Mason comes in with two little pills and some water. He also holds my hair until I swear I've puked up everything in me. I quickly take the pills and take a big drink of water. "What happened?" I ask turning to look up at Mason.

"I'll tell you, but let's go sit down." He says. I nodded taking the glass of water with me. We sit in the living room. Me pretzel legged (criss-cross applesauce, whatever you wanna call it) and him across from me.

"Aaron had someone here so you would obey what he said and I guess he talked to you when you went outside. You then came in and told Jane that you had to leave and when I asked where you were she was to tell me that I needed to go home and pay attention to my surroundings. I did and found the man. He got a few punches and told me where Aaron took you. I then gave him to some friends of mine and made my way to you."

"When I got to the bar I had to fight my way up to where you were and then deal with the bozo that was holding you. You were drunk so it made is a little more difficult, but I got you in the car and we drove home. I then made you drink some coffee and go to bed. Then this morning you were still asleep so I made sure the kids stayed quiet and got them where they needed to be. I also paid your friend Kaylee for babysitting." I go to speak, but he holds up his hand. "Freshman and Sophomores have this weird testing so Juniors and Seniors don't have to come in today." He finishes and I just stare at him.

"I don't know what to say. Um... thank you, really. I should have found a better way so I could've been there for the kids-"

"Autumn, it's fine. We all get stuck in situations and can't always do what needs to be done." He says and I nod my head slowly.

"It's just they're my responsibility and you shouldn't have had to do anything," I say looking back up at him.

He smiles and says, "Well you are helping me with Mathew and you've been stuck with me for over two weeks so, it evens out."

I laugh and then regret it because of the headache. This also makes Mason stop laughing. "I'm fine," I say and then remember I was drunk. "Wait, did I say anything? Like embarrassing." I ask hoping I kept my mouth shut.

He smirks and I groan. "Oh gawd, what did I say?" I ask putting a pillow into my face. I hear him laughing and I just wanna die right now.

"You are quite the storyteller when drunk." He says and I look up at him with terror. Seeing my face makes him begin to start laughing. "I'm just kidding. You didn't say anything." He manages and I hit him a few times.

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