Chapter 23-My Dad didn't kill his son

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I hear muffled voices and turn my head. I open my eyes and see nothing but blackness. I panic and feel around me. It's cold flat ground. I then feel something touch my hand. I scream and hear the voices stop.

I hear heavy footsteps and then I hear clicks. Light comes into the room and I squint my eyes not adjusted. I don't get much time to get my bearings before I'm yanked to my feet. I feel pain swell on the right side of my head. "Come on." The person holding me says and yanks my arm up higher. I try to pull from him, but his grip only tightens.

"Let go of me," I yell trying to punch or kick him. I manage to kick him in the shin and then I run. There are grey walls everywhere and I just keep taking turns trying to get away from the man. I hear other footsteps and know that I won't get out of here. I see a door and run to it. I push it open and then quickly shut it. I walk backwards into the room hearing footsteps run past the door. I continue to walk back until I trip over something.

I don't scream as I fall, but I look at the ground trying to figure out what I tripped over. This room is like the room I was in. Cold and no light. I put my hand out shakily and feel something. I rip my hand back away from whatever's on the floor. I see a flash and then another until the room is lit up. I look up and see the flashes were the lights flickering on.

I look down at the floor and realize what I tripped over was a body. A body that looks like it's been dead for a while. I bring my hand up to my mouth and see that the person has gashes all over him. I back all the way into the wall and try not to puke.

"Autumn, we know you're still here. It's just a matter of time when we find you, but if you don't want to get hurt come out wherever you are and just yell. Someone will find you." I hear a man's voice, but I don't know where it comes from. "Come on now." He says and I turn looking for where the noise is coming from. "Fine, but you asked for it." I hear a beep and then it's silent.

I slowly get up to my feet and see that a rat is now eating part of the man's arm. I can't keep it in anymore. I turn and puke into the corner. Once I've stopped I make sure not to look at the body and quickly walk to the door. I open it slowly and see no one's out there. I walk out and make sure to listen before I go around a corner.

Everything looks the same here. Grey walls, floors, and then all the doors are a dark red color. I might as well be going in circles. I take a left and hear someone yell. It sounds like they're in pain. I continue to walk, but slowly. I hear two men's voices and stop. I run back and hide behind a corner. I hear a door shut and then hear the voices get quieter. I walk back out from my corner and slowly walk down the hallway.

I hear a noise from one of the doors and I back into the other wall. I hear the person yell something and realize I know the voice. I walk up to the red door and open it. In the middle, I see Mason tied to a chair. His face has a lot of blood on it and he has blood soaking through his clothes coming from his shoulder. "Mason," I whisper taking a step into the room. He looks up wide-eyed.

"Autumn, what are you-close the door." He says and I do. I run over to him and begin to untie the knots. "How'd you-doesn't matter. I need to get you out of here." I hear him. I pull on the knots until I finally get them undone. He then starts to work on the ones holding his feet to the chair.

"M-Mason, your shoulder," I say and he looks up at me and then to him. I see him look at the blood and back to me.

"I'm fine, just a little flesh wound." He says and stands up. "Come on, stay close to me and do what I tell you to no matter what, ok?" I nod and he grabs my hand. He pulls me behind him before checking outside the door. He keeps me behind him and I try to stay at his pace.

I don't know how many turns we take or for how long we've been running, but three people find us. "Autumn run," Mason says and pushes me the opposite direction. The three men come running at us. I start running and then hear a gunshot. I freeze and turn to see that more men have shown up. "Come on Autumn, why, why are you making this harder for yourself?" One of them says. He was the one that was talking before, his voice sounds the same.

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