Chapter 14 - I then see my hot protector

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"I'll be right back with your order," I say to an old couple. "Jane I gotta go to the back and take out the trash can you give the old couple their coffees?" I asked walking to the back.

"Sure. Have fun it's snowing." She says back. Of course. I quickly take two of the bags out and run all the way to the dumpster. I can only throw one in at a time because of how heavy they are, so I put one on the floor and throw the other one. I go to grab the second one when it's thrown in. I turn and see Aaron. Sh*t.

"Why don't we go out for a drink?" He asks and I shake my head. "Well, then I guess I'll have to visit your family. I mean I know where you live now so it wouldn't be that hard." He says and I freeze from walking back to the restaurant. I turn back to him as he recites my address. "Yeah, so you wanna go for that drink now?" He asks and I feel anger boil inside me.

"Fine, but I need to go inside and tell Jane that I need to go or they'll know something's up," I say and he smiles.

"Alright, but I have a friend outside your house so don't try and pull anything." He says and I clench my jaw. I quickly walk back to the restaurant and grab my phone and bag. Jane sees me and looks at me confused.

"Something came up at home," I say trying to emphasize the home. She looks at me weird, but nods. "And when Mason asks where I went tell him he needs to go home and pay attention to his surroundings," I say making sure she understands.

"Alright. Autumn is everything ok?" She asks.

"It will be," I say giving her my apron. She takes it but doesn't move. "Jane please cover for me," I say and she seems to snap out of her haze.

"Yeah. Yeah, of course." She says. I smile and nod before walking back out. I don't get more than a few steps outside when I feel someone yank my arm. I don't make a sound, but glare at him.

"Let's go." He says. He walks over to his car and pushes me to the front seat. I get in and smell cigarettes among other things that I know aren't legal. His car is a mess and has crap everywhere. I watch as he gets in and I want so bad just to knock him out. You can't risk your family getting hurt, I remind myself.

It's a silent ride all the way to a bar that I'm not familiar with. "I don't even look 21," I say and he laughs.

"Doesn't matter, I know the people that own it." He says grabbing my arm again. He yanks me through people and takes me to another part of the bar. It doesn't have as many people, but it looks the same as the downstairs one. Same red seats and plain wooden walls.

Aaron sits me down and orders me a drink that I won't be having. He then turns to me and smiles. "I told you to watch your back. I didn't think you'd be stupid enough to come out at dark by yourself and then go through the back door. You just made it way too easy." He says and I continue to glare at him. He goes on his phone until our drinks are placed on the dirty, sticky table. "Drink."

"No," I say and he looks up at me.

"You drink or my friend knocks on your door." He says looking agitated.

"How do I even know you have someone at my house?" I ask. He grabs his phone and then hands it over to me. I hear a voice.

"Oh sorry, wrong house."

"Oh, it's fine. I've been there trust me. Have a nice night." I hear Ashley's voice through the phone.

"Thanks, you too." I hear the other voice say. I hand him back the phone and take a drink. It burns my throat and I want to spit it out, but I don't and try to swallow.

"There we go. Now I want you to drink two more before we get to talking."

Instead of being three drinks it turns to eight because I apparently can hold my liquor. "Now. I'll ask you a simpilar question. What is Ashley's new number or where does she work?" He says and I giggle.

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