Chapter 4 - He just can't comprehend what I'm saying

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"You're going where?" I ask over the phone.

"Switzerland. Autumn you know I go every year." I hear my Grandma say.

"I know, just wish it wasn't right now." I say rubbing my head.

"Sorry honey, it's when our curling club goes." She says.

"No, no it's fine. You shouldn't have to be tied down because of what Lily left behind." I say and hear her sigh.

"You know she-"

"Ah, don't even say it. I don't feel like going through it. It's in the past and it can say there." I say and hear her take a deep breath.

""A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots" by Marcus Garvey." She says and I groan.

"Don't start with the quotes." I whin into my phone.

""Life isn't about finding yourself. It's about creating yourself" by George B-"

"Grandma, blah, blah, blah." I say making her laugh.

"I'll drop the kids off tomorrow morning. Be happy it'll be Friday. Love you." She says.

"I love you too." I reply before we end the call. I finish putting my things in my bag before leaving the restaurant.

"Are you coming in tomorrow?" My boss asks as I'm about to leave.

"Yeah, and this weekend." I say. He nods his head before letting me leave. I get in my car and begin to make my way home.


I get home and make sure to be quiet. Everyone should be asleep, it's already 10:08. I walk to the kitchen and see a note on the table.

Kids were fine just like normal. Your sister dropped her kid off and is in Mia's room. Why didn't you tell me you had a boy over there? :D. Anyways, he let me off early and said he'd watch the kids. Figured it was ok because he was in your house and no one gets in that house without your permission. No charge and have a good night. - Kaylee

I smile at her note before writing on the whiteboard to call her. I then make myself a sandwich and begin to work on my homework.


I don't get everything done until around two in the morning. I leave my backpack at the table and blindly walk to my room. I open my door and walk straight to my bed, but trip on something. I hear a groan and move back. "Mason?" I whisper yell.

"Shh, she went to bed." I hear him say in the dark. I turn my phone on and dim the screen. He's leaning against my bed with Mia in his lap. She's fast asleep and I smile.

"Have trouble getting her to sleep?" I ask. He nods and begins to yawn. "Let me guess there wasn't sweatshirt?" I ask. He looks at me confused.

"She always sleeps with my dad's old sweatshirt. It's probably on my bed somewhere." I say standing back up and looking through my covers. I find the red sweatshirt and smile. I grab it and walk to her room with it. It's right across from mine.

I then bend down and carefully grab Mia from Mason's arms. I shh's her as she begins to stir awake. "Shh, go to sleep." I say and begin to rock her back to sleep. It takes a few minutes, but she falls back asleep and I lay her on her bed. I make sure Emma and Hailey are still asleep and thankful they are. I quietly begin to pick up all the toys and close the door. When I get back to my room I see Mason fast asleep still leaning on my bed. I hold back my laugh and turn the light off. I cover him with my extra blanket and get into bed.

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