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"Well except for Mason over here, still a single Pringle," John says looking over at me. The guys laugh and I roll my eyes. 

"Yeah, yeah, shut up," I say laying my cards down. The guys look and see I won poker again. They groan and throw their cards down.

"Goddammit, I heading in," Mike says throwing the cash in the middle.

"Yeah, we should head in," Chief says sending us all looks.

"Fine, who wants to bet?" Chase asks. A few of the guys go up to him. "I bet in" He looks over at the clock. "Four hours we'll have a house call." He says. They guys look over and place their bets. I shake my head at them. House calls are for when people lock them outside their house or an elderly fell and needs help getting up the simple stuff.

Chief shakes his head at us and picks up the cards. "Mason, can you check the truck tonight?" He asks. I nod and head down to the trucks. I check both one and four. Once everything's in order I head back up to get some sleep.

I go to the sleeping room where the others guys are already laying down. "Get the light, Mason." I hear John say. I do and climb into my bed.

I wake up to the alarm. I hop out of bed along with the others and rush down to my gear. All of us are pulling on our gear while running to the truck. We all get in and then the trucks moving. "We got a car accident off of highway 49. Two cars, don't know if anything else." Our chief says.

Once we get to the crash there are already cops there finding out what happened. "Mason grab the bolt cutter." I hear. I run to the side of the run and open the door. I find the cutter and rush back to the cars. I hand it over and go to the other side of the vehicle. I see a kid in the back and he's starting to wake up. "Hi, bud what's your name?" I ask getting his attention.

"Branden." He says and I smile.

"Ok, Branden I'm going to need you to listen. Can you do that for me?" I ask. He nods. I walk to his side of the door and see it's jammed. I'll have to get him through the passenger window. "Ok, cover your eyes and look away," I say. He does and I break the glass. I make sure that it's all off the window before telling him to open his eyes. "Ok, Branden I want to come towards me."

He looks over at the person in the front. "Mommy." He says. His mom is halfway through the windshield and not moving.

"Branden my friend is helping to get your mom, but we need to get you out," I say. He looks back at me and nods. I'm surprised he doesn't put up more of a fight. He then makes his way to the front of the car and I help pull him out. Once he's in my arms I see that his leg isn't right. I don't say anything because if it doesn't hurt now it will when I tell him.

I take over to the ambulance. "He was in the red car, his name is Branden," I say. She nods and begins asking him questions. I quickly walk back over to the cars and see that they have the kids Mom on a stretcher. I find our chief and walk over to him.

"No one is left in the red car, anything to do in with the black?" I ask looking at it. It's not nearly as banged up as the red.

"No, the two kids were arrested for driving under the influence and underage, weren't hurt much." He says and I nod my head. Our work is done and we get back into the truck.

"Sometimes I just want to strangle those teenagers, they all know what could happen, but they go driving anyway," John says shaking his head.

"They don't think it's going to happen to them until it does," Chief says. I nod and look back out the window.

When we get back to the station we all take our gear off and make sure everything's in order with the truck. We get back into our rooms and I fall asleep almost instantly.

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