*Your pov.*
»Y/N«, I hear his soft voice whisper in my ear.
With my eyes still closed I shift in the bed I'm laying on and try to sleep.
»Wake up, princess«, he murmurs under his breath.
»One minute«, I groan.
Suddenly he starts placing wet kisses on my neck. His lips delicatley suck on my sweet spot and a light moan escapes my mouth. Slowly I open my eyes and notice Justin in front of me.
»Good morning, Y/N«, he greets me and I stand up on the bed.
»What? You're back! Oh my gosh!«, I scream excitedly and jump on Justin.
He laughs as I wrap my legs around his waist and embrace his neck with my arms pulling him as close as possible to my body. After a big tight hug Justin puts me on the ground again.
»Wow, you're really back from tour again. I missed you s-so much«, I tell him and feel my voice crack.
»Aww don't cry, babe. I'm here again. I took a break from the tour to visit you«, he explains while holding me in his arms.
I lay my head on his chest listening to his racing heartbeat and bite my lower lip. His strong smell meets my nose and I close my eyes for a second inhaling his wonderful scent. Then Justin grabs my waist and turns me around so I can face him. I am so happy to see him again.
»You have no idea how much I craved you these past weeks«, he whispers forming goosebumps over my whole body.
I stare at his gorgeous face and take it in my hands feeling his soft skin. Justin watches me curiously as I travel with my fingers down to his chest. The moment our eyes meet we stare at each other for a second till Justin puts his arm around my back and presses me on his body kissing my lips sensually. Immediately I run my fingers through his fluffy hair as he puts his hand on my butt giving it a small squeeze. Justin inserts his tongue in our wild kisses and I force my lips closer on his. I push Justin on a wall behind him and a quiet sigh leaves his mouth. We stop our rough make out session and he looks at me lustfully.
»Someone missed very badly«, Justin smirks and I slap his chest.
»If I'd have known you'd come back today I'd have organized a welcome home party«, I tell him as I caught my breath.
»Don't worry«, he laughs,»Alfredo already organzied that.«
Surprised I stare at Justin.
»Let's go now«, he says.
»What? But we just-«, I start,»Where?«
»You'll see«, he grins and I roll my eyes,»We're gonna have a day off from all the media.«
I give him a small smile before he leaves and I notice the bulge in his pants.
»Seems like I'm not the only one who missed someone badly«, I laugh and he blushes.
After some minutes I've changed in some dark jeans with a black purpose hoodie and some white sneakers. I put my hair in a braid and walk to the front door catching sight of Justin. He wears a red hoodie with some black jeans and white sneakers as well. Justin takes my hand and we walk to his car. Some minutes later we arrive at a big mall.
»Perfect place to get away from the media«, I tell him ironically.
»Na na na, baby. Today the mall is all ours«, he says and we climb out of the car.
We enter the shopping center and he's right. No one is there just some policemen.
»That's awesome«
»I know right . Today is gonna be a special day«, Justin replies and smiles at me.
After that we enter a huge store with many fancy clothes.
»How about we choose our outfits for each other«, Justin says,»You pick mine and I yours.«
»Deal«, I respond and we shake hands laughing.
Instantly I grab a grey White hoodie with some black jeans, a grey snapback and some white vans. Me and Justin meet at the cabinets again and I'm suprised as he shows me the outfit he has chosen for me. It's a long purple dress with a little bit of glitter at the end of it. With that he gave me some glassy heels as well and of course underwear that fits the whole outfit.
»Are you finished?«, Justin asks as I change in one of the cabinets.
I push away the curtain and a gasp leaves his mouth as he stares at me.
»How do I look?«, I wonder.
»Y-you look absolutly stunning, Y/N«, Justin admits his eyes not leaving my body.
»Now you should change«, I tell him.
»No need to I know it's perfect«, he responds and I smile wide.
As I take off my clothes I have some problems and sigh deep.
»Is something wrong, angel?«, Justin wonders and without any warnig he enters the cabinet.
»Justin! Are you crazy? What if someone sees us«
»No one will. There's just the cashier and now tell me the problem«, he says.
»I-I can't unclaps my bra«, I tell him and notice I'm only in my underwear.
»Easy«, he replies and I slap his head making him laugh.
Justin unclapses my bra and I push him outside.
Some hours later we are at home wearing our outfits waiting for Alfredo.
»Y/N!«, Justin shouts as I check myself in a mirror.
I walk in the living room and catch sight of him with a book in his hand.
»Look what I found«, he says and as I get closer I recognize it.
»It's our photo album«, I tell him and he nods.
Justin opens it and the first picture shows us on a bed his arms wrapped around my body.
»My mom took this from us«, I smile,»So embarassing.«
»It was cute«, Justin says and we look at each other as the bell rings.
Only one hour later our house is full of the people who are close to us. As I was talking to one of my best friends Justin interrupts us. I catch sight of him holding a microphone in his hand.
»Ladies and gentleman this song I dedicate to my beautiful girlfriend«, he says and everyone cheers.
I listen to his voice singing Let Me Love You and smile big. Everybody looks at me and I get golssy eyes as Justin's gaze meets mine.
»Don't you give up nah nah nah«, he sings and gets closer to me,»I will give up nah nah nah.«
Suddenly he kneels down in front of me and grabs a red box from his jeans pocket.
»Let me marry you«, Justin ends the song and everyone claps their hands and I hear cry of joy as Justin shows me the diamond ring.
»Y/N, the past days when I was on tour I thought about you a lot. Actually all the time. It showed me how much I love you and not only that but just the time we spend together made me fall for you. I can't even live one day separated from you. That's why I ask you, Y/N do you wanna be my wife?«, he asks tears forming in my eyes.
»Y-yes«, I answer hugging him as tight as possible.
Everyone in the room cheers.
»I love you so much, soon Mrs. Bieber«, Justin whispers in my ear and I smile with tears in my eyes.