WARNING! This may contain mature and sexual content. Read on your own risks!
*Your pov.*
The bright moon is shining at me as I make my way to the porch. When I reach the front door I take a short look at my watch. 11.00 pm. I tap the doorbell and wait for someone to receive me. After a minute of silence I press the bell one more time.
»The door is open! Come in!«, I hear his voice shout.
Slowly I open the door and enter the house. I look around me and frown. What happened here? Everywhere in the corridor there are shoes and clothes laying on the floor. I take off my high heels, put them to the side and carefully walk to the living room.
»There you are!«, he says happily.
Quickly he stands up from the huge sofa and comes closer to embrace me in a sweet hug.
»Hey, Jay«, I greet him still surprised by the messy place,»Is everything good? Are you planning on moving or something?«
»No«, he replies and chuckles,»I'm sorry for the mess but I've been a bit lost the past few days. I've travelled a lot and yesterday I had some friends over.«
That must explain the mess. I laugh lightly and sit down on the couch.
»Do you want to drink something?«
»Yes, some water please«, I respond and watch him leave in the kitchen.
I put off my beige coat and lay it beside me on the sofa. Only then Justin brings me a glass of water.
»Thanks, Jay«, I say and give him a small smile.
I take a sip and catch sight of the backyard.
»I adore your pool«
»It's dope«, he adds.
Again silence surrounds us. I examine him and he only grins nervously.
»Why did you call me? You said there'd be some important stuff you'd like to show me. Is that true or are you just pranking me?«, I start the conversation.
»It's definitely not a prank«, Justin replies and turns quite.
Worried I look at him. Why is he acting so weird? On the phone earlier he already sounded very confused. We are friends for a long time now but I have no idea what's wrong with him. Usually I know it but now I have no idea.
»Justin spit it out!«, I tell him restlessly.
Suddenly he begins to take off his shirt. I widen my eyes and gulp down hard. It's not like I didn't see him shirtless before but right now we are all alone in one room. It's kind of making me nervous. But as soon as he puts off his shirt I gasp.
»W-what do you think?«, he stutters.
I examine his upper body and need some time to adjust to his new tattoo.
»Uh...it's uh...it's cool«
»You're lying«
»What?! No, I'm not«, I say and watch him walk to the other side of the living room.
He's standing in front of the door which leads to the backyard. I stare at his half naked body and can't seem to stop either because his tattoo is shocking me or because his abs are-
»Everyone hates it. You don't have to act like you like it«
»That's not true, Justin! I really like it!«, I explain and walk up to him,»It's very beautiful.«