*Your pov.*
»Wow, I can't believe we've actually managed to see each other again«, he admits laughing shortly.
I scratch the back of my neck and nod.
»Yeah, it's been a hot minute since we've last been together«, I agree giving him a small smile.
His lips form a light grin and I feel my heart skip a beat. I'm out at a bar right now with my best friend, Justin. Since he's a worldwide known artist it's difficult for us to spend any time together. But eventually we somehow made it happen.
»I really missed you, Y/N«, he says making me blush a little.
»Me too«, I respond.
»Wait, you missed yourself?«
»No!«, I answer causing both of us to burst out in laughter,»I missed you, idiot!«
He chuckles and wanders his eyes up and down my body. Awkwardly I take a sip from my drink which I've ordered only some minutes ago. Still feeling his gaze on me I stare at him eagerly.
»What?«, he wonders playfully.
»Why are you looking at me like that?«
»I don't know«, Justin replies smirking. He grabs his drink and I lightly punch his arm.
»Ouch! What was that for?«, he asks smiling widely.
»For being a dork«, I just respond.
Raising one of his eyebrows he looks at me curiously wanting to know the real reason. Only then his eyes move to another direction. I watch his face turn serious. He squints his eyes and when I want to turn around to see what or who he's looking at he takes hold of both of my hands.
»Don't!«, Justin says confusing me even more.
»What's wrong?«, I wonder. But just in that moment I hear a female voice call his name.
»Shit!«, he curses and I turn round to catch sight of a young woman approaching us.
»Oh my god, Justin? Is that you? Wow, what are the odds of seeing you here«, she literally shouts and hugs him.
Meanwhile I see Justin rolling his eyes causing me to giggle.
»So crazy!«, he responds clearly not interested in her at all.
»What are you doing here anyways?«, she wonders with a huge smile on her face.
Justin turns his head in my direction and stops for a moment. He looks at me thinkingly and just seconds later he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.
»I'm actually here with my girlfriend«, Justin claims leaving me speechless.
When he sees the shocked expression on my face he leans towards me.
»Please, just play along. I'll explain later«, he whispers and turns back to the other woman who seems irritated.
»O come on! You really think I believe that the playboy turned soft all of a sudden«, she says in disbelief.
»Well, obviously I did! Right, babe?«, he replies and faces me.
I need a moment to realize that by babe he means me.
»Uhm...yeah! He may have been a player. But he's changed«, I lie looking at him with a genuine smile.
He grins at me and for a tiny moment it feels like we're really together, in love.