Warning: This story may contain mature and sexual content. Read on your own risk!
*Your pov.*
Time goes by and I feel myself become slack. All the anger and the frustration has left my body. For the first time tonight I feel...good. I'm not going to lie I took a few shots. Okay, more than a few. Fine, a lot more than a few. But who cares. I'm sweating like crazy because of the alcohol rushing through my veins, but I feel awesome!
»You know what? I don't care sat I got dumped«, I slur resting my head on my left hand,»He was an asshole anyway!«
I stare at the empty glass in front of me and at a stroke I start giggling.
»What's so funny?«, Jason wonders nipping on a beer bottle and examining me amused.
»I-I just said asshole. Sats a baaad word«, I whisper and continue laughing as all of a sudden I lose my balance and almost drop on the floor.
But Jason reacts fast and grabs my arm. I look into his hazel eyes and feel my heart bump stronger against my chest. Wow! He is even more gorgeous up close.
»I think you should go easy on those drinks«, Jason chuckles.
I catch sight of the wrinkles forming around his lips when he smiles and I blush a little. He is cute. Wait! What am I saying? Jason is right that's enough alcohol for tonight.
»Yeah...I got a bit carried away. I'm sorry«
»O, you don't have to be sorry. I know how it can be sometimes«, he says before taking a big sip from his beer bottle.
»What happened?«, I wonder when I see the cold look in his eyes.
»What are you talking about?«
»You are clearly hurt«, I reply making him stare at me surprised,»What? You're not the only one who can see other peoples' emotions.«
He laughs shortly and sighs.
»I got into a huge fight with my roommate earlier today«, he explains whilst playing with the cap of the beer bottle,»We argued a lot, but we would always apologize to each other. But this time...This time I really f*cked up. He kicked me out of the apartment.«
O, no! His face has become paler and his eyes seem darker. I lift my hand from the counter and grab his. With furrowed brows he stares at my fingers gently caressing his hand.
»I'm so sorry, Jason«, I say quietly, but still loud enough for him to hear.
»Uh...it's okay. I don't want this to become a chick flick moment right now«, he retorts looking at my hand causing us both to laugh a little,»I'm sure we'll work it out somehow.«
I nod my head and slowly move my fingers away from his. Now I could use another drink. No, Y/n! You're already drunk and you have to work tomorrow. Crap! I forgot about work.
As I want to stand up from my chair and tell Jason that I have to leave he already stops me.
»Hey, I bet I can win against those rich kids by the pool table!«, he tells me and I follow his gaze to some polo shirts wearing boys.
One of them is looking at his diamond-studded watch, which most likely appears to be a rolex, while another one is hearing music through some white air pods. They must've already won a match in pool since they're all holding a certain amount of dollars in their hands that a man just gave them.
»Okay! What do you want if you win?«, I play along since he has caught my interest.
»I want to be granted one wish«