WARNING: This might contain sexual and mature content. Red on your own risks!
Last part of the imagine is up! I honestly hope you like it and also if you want me to post longer imagines (with different parts) comment! :)*Your pov.*
It's Justin Bieber. I close my eyes for a moment to calm myself. If I freak out now he'll run away from me as far as possible but if I pretend like this situation is not a big deal he'll stay. At least that's what I hope.
»B-but why are you laughing?«, I wonder as chill as possible.
»O com'on! It's pretty obvious«, he responds.
As much as I want to have a normal conversation with him I can't help but stare at his unbelievable appearance. He's even cuter in person and his voice is sexy as hell.
»What is obvious?«
»You don't like this guy! At least this date is a disaster«, Justin answers making me realize that I'm actually on a date with Alex.
I turn round to see if he already grabbed our food but he's nowhere to be found. It's dark maybe that's why I can't recognize him.
»I guess you're right«, I reply laughing shortly.
He gives me a sweet smile and I wish he would just hug me right now. But I have to stay cool.
»What's your name?«, he wants to know.
Surprised that he's still talking to me I don't respond at first.
»Y/N«, I tell him.
A smirk forms on his plump pink lips and my heart begins to rock madly against my chest. He wants to say something but gets interrupted by Johnny. I can't believe that I'm standing in front of them. Only some hours ago I was a girl who just dreamed to meet Justin one day and now I'm talking to him about my date which is kind of weird but still incredible.
»Hey, would you like to join us in the VIP area?«, he wonders.
I need a minute to process what he just said. Did Justin Bieber just literally asked me to party with him and a bunch of other famous people? This has to be a dream.
»Uhh, of course! I'd love to but I can't leave Alex like that«
»It's okay. He's already busy with one of my friends«, he explains and winks.
Wait! Did he plan this? Irritated I stare at his figure. Then he starts to laugh.
»Actually my friend liked your date and when he walked away she followed him and that left me here with you«
»Does that mean I'm just your backup?«, I wonder jokingly.
Instantly he shakes his head. I blush when he takes my hand and almost freak out. Damn, his skin is so soft.
»Come on! Let's have some fun!«, Justin states and I grin.
He starts walking towards the VIP area and I follow him. I watch everyone having the time of their life. Maybe not everyone but most of them, I think when I notice a guy puke behind a tree. Whatever, after some walking we arrive at the special place of this festival. Justin talks to some security guards for a minute and after that we join the other celebrities. I catch sight of Kylie Jenner, Alfredo Flores and even Ariana Grande. I watch Justin introduce me to some of his friends but I can't hear anything because of the music. Stil I smile and shake hands.
»This is insane!«, I shout amazed.
He leans his face closer to me making me hear him better.
»Let's dance!«, he says and I nod.
Without thinking much I begin to dance like crazy. I jump, raise my hands and sing. Justin joins me and we laugh together and laugh and laugh. I've never had so much fun in my entire life. Some songs later we slowdown our dance moves. I start to move my hips more but rather slow and to the rhythm of the song. Justin seems to notice that too since he begins to stare at my body. Our eyes meet and I feel my heart race. Both of us stop dancing because we rather observe each other. I notice him open his mouth lightly and I wish he'd press his lips on mine. My eyes travel up and down his sweaty body and all of a sudden I have this huge urge to...
»Not here«, Justin explains and grabs my hand,»Come with me!«
We rush to the back of the stage. There he opens a door and we enter the backstage area. Fascinated I examine the place but I don't have much time since Justin already drags me into another room.
»Where are we?«, I ask looking around the place.
»That's my changing room«, I hear his raspy voice say.
Our eyes meet again and this time he gives in. Justin approaches me, gently grabs my face and kisses me. In that moment all my problems, all my thoughts, just everything fades away. I run my hands through his hair while our tongues are wildly fighting for dominance. You can hear our fast and heavy breaths. Justin pushes me against a wall causing me to gasp. But we continue kissing each other like there's no tomorrow. I feel his hands move up and down my legs. His touch on my skin gives me goosebumps and I want more. I roll my eyes back of pleasure as Justin sucks my neck sensually. This feeling of his lips on my skin drives me crazy. It's like he's arousing every nerve in my body.
»Don't stop«, I moan.
Only then he presses his lips on mine again, this time more forcefully. I feel his boner on my lower body and almost loose it and with loose it I mean I would've almost ripped his clothes off. All of a sudden someone knocks on the door. Immediately Justin stops and steps away from me. The door is being opened and a woman sticks her head in the room.
»Justin you'll be performing in two minutes«, she says and leaves.
I look at Justin who's already staring at me. Then we start to laugh. Without any reason we just laugh.
»I'm sorry I have to go now. But we could continue this afterwards«, he suggests.
But I need to pass. I'm already very exhilarated that I've kissed him. I don't want to be a one night stand though.
»I'd love to stay but I should probably head home«, I answer.
»I understand«, he says and gives me a small smile,»Can I get your number though?«
With widen eyes I stare at him. I'm still waiting for me to wake up and realize this is only a dream. We exchange numbers real quick and say goodbye.
»Tonight was so much fun! Thank you«
»No! Thank you!«, he responds and hugs me.
Then I watch him walk to the door. But before he leaves I stop him. I say his name and he turns round.
»Since you're going on stage you should probably...uhm...hide this...uh...bulge in your pants«, I explain shyly.
Instantly Justin looks down on his lower body and his whole face turns red.
What a day.
Comment your thoughts on this and give it a star if you liked it ;) Ps. Thanks for the great support on the last part!