*Your pov.*
»Y/N«, he calls out my name.
In fast speed I make my way to his dark figure in front of the forest. I breath heavily while running towards him. My heart is racing like never before.
»I'm here, Jason«, I say as I finally reach him.
I kneel down for a second and inhale the fresh air. The wind is refreshing my sweaty face. I close my eyes and run my hands through my messy hair.
»Are you okay?«
»I'm fine«, I reply and stand up,»What about you?«
»Me too but we have to get going«, he tells me.
Only a moment later I hear many footsteps coming closer to us. Male voices are to be heard and again my heart starts to pound like crazy. I look at Jason who's already staring at me. In the dim moonlight I can see his sparkling eyes. O how much I love his eyes.
»We need to separate us. I'll go into the forest and you'll take the path around it«
»But-«, I start to disagree as suddenly Jason takes hold of my arms.
We're only inches away from each other. I can feel his hot breath on my skin and when I examine his plump pink lips I wish we'd be at home doing more fun stuff.
»No, Y/N...only that way you can be more safe«
»I don't care if I'll be more safe that way! I'm already safe with you«
»This time it's different«, he explains stepping closer to me.
Suddenly a loud shout is to be heard. I jump up surprised and feel the adrenaline kick in.
»Go. Now. We'll see us on the other side of the forest«, Jason whispers.
Before I leave he gives me a forceful kiss on the lips. He grabs my cheeks with his soft hands and I feel a tear slipping out of my eye.
»I won't let anything bad happen to you. I promise. I love you, angel«
»I love you too Jay«, I say and begin to run as well as him.
My legs are moving fast. Fear and anger keep me going. Those freaking assholes are coming after us. More like coming after Jason but still if they are trying to catch him they first have to pass by me. The reason why this gang is searching for Jason is because of money. They made a deal with Jason but he couldn't give them what they want. Now we're both running away. Near the forest a car is waiting for us. This car will bring us away fron here. Then we'll finally be free. Before I can think any further I hear gunshots coming from the forest. Instantly I stop. Birds are flying away from the trees and I turn my head to the forest. Without thinking much I rush in Jason's direction. My puls is very fast now and I feel like I'm going to explode or just break down any minute. I stop running as I see Jason kneeling on the ground while four other men are surrounding him. When I notice blood on Jason's nose I gasp. I quickly hide myself behind a tree and watch the situation.
»Wow«, a fat man with a grey suit on says while clapping his hands.
I look at him in fright. He is the leader of the gang. I pull out the loaded gun from my jacket pocket which Jason gave me before we ran away.
»I never thought you'd be this stupid, McCann«, the man tells him.
»And I never thought your fat ass would catch me«, Jason replies having an evil grin forming on his face.
The leader of the gang begins to laugh but just a second later he slaps Jason in the face. I hold my gun up ready to shoot the man but before I can do that another gunshot is being heard. At this point everything turnt into slowmotion. Someone pulls the trigger and I listen to the loud noise of the shot. I watch the bullet fly in the air and I wish I could've caught it but it was too late. The shot hit Jason right through his heart. I let the gun in my hand fall down. Tears start to form in my eyes and I let myself fall on the ground with my knees. My mouth is wide open as if I want to say somethig but nothing comes out. I lay my hands on my stomach trying to keep myself from throwing up. The men are talking but I can't seem to hear anything. It's as if I just died and not...As I notice that the people are gone I make my way to Jason. I grab his head and lay it on my legs while caressing his wet hair.
»Jason...b-baby«, I stutter as I examine his pale body,»Jason...Jason, wake up! Wake up, Jason! Jason, wake up baby! WAKE UP!«
I shake his head and try to open his eyes but without success. My hands are full of blood as I lay my upper body on his crying my tears out. Never in my whole life have I cried this much. I sniff constantly and sob heavily in pain.
»Make it stop!«, I scream and look up at the sky which is filled with stars,»Please! Please make the pain stop!«
Again tears are rolling down my face. It feels like I won't stop. After a while I hear voices coming in my direction. I look down at Jason's face and before I can burst out in tears I kiss his cold lips and run away. Quickly I rush out of the forest. When I catch sight of the car which should've taken us both to a better place I take the keys that are laying on the ground and open the vehicle. I climb in and lock it.
»He's gone«, I mumble under my breath,»J-Jason is gone.«
My eyes are wide open. I bite my lower lip till I start to feel it bleeding. As I stare at the street in front of me I don't feel anything. It's as if I'm being numb. I start the engine and drive home. Meanwhile I get the black bag from the backseat and put it on the passenger's seat. My fingers are shaking as I open the bag. When I take out some guns I drive faster. As I arrive in front of my house I take the guns with me and step out of the car. I catch sight of four men on my veranda.
»Hello darling«, the same fat man who killed Jason greets me.
But before he is able to continue speaking I point my gun at his figure and shoot him in the head. The others are already loading their guns but too late. Within seconds almost everyone of them is dead. Just one man is laying on the ground scared with a bullet in his leg. I walk closer to him and grab the hem of his shirt harshly.
»Wh-who are you?«, he wonders shakily.
»I'm Y/N. Y/N McCann«, I respond and at the same time I kill him.
I throw away my guns and run into my house. When I walk in the kitchen I search for some matches. As I find them I rush outside to the garage. I open it and take out a box filled with petrol. Without any kind of remorse I spill the petrol all over the house and on the four dead bodies. I take one last look at my house and light up one of the matches.
»This is for Jason«, I say and burn up the corpse as well as my house.
Slowly I walk up to the car and get in. Bye bye old me. Bye bye Jason.