*Justin's pov.*
»Where are we going to sit today, boys?«, Chris asks.
Slowly we look around the schoolyard.
»There! At the table where that girl sits«, Conor says and we look at the table.
»Wait, that's Y/N«, I tell them.
»Oh damn man you're right«, Conor replies excitedly while he fist bumbs me.
»Let's go say hello«, Chris smirks and we laugh evilly.
Conor and Chris are my two best friends. We've been a kind of gang since we were in 5th grade. Dealing with drugs, car races and much more is what we're known for. We are the bad boys in our school and it kinda feels good. Me and the boys get new chicks every day and most of the people are too afraid of us to even think about doing something bad to us. We're also often in clubs and have much money for our young years but still we have to go to school. Whatever, we're walking to the table now and I grin.
»Hey, Y/N! Nice meal«, Chris says taking a seat beside her.
Y/N is a student on our school. We like to mock her a bit since she's one of the shy girls. Furthermore she doesn't even has friends and she looks like a total nerd. It's funny to see her react to our actions.
»Leave me alone!«, Y/N bursts out not daring to look at us.
»Oh, com'on we only want to keep you company I mean there isn't anybody else who wants to do that«, Conor responds and I chuckle lightly.
She gives me a stern look then catches sight of the table again.
»I don't need you«, she hisses.
»Right, you don't need frieds too. I mean if you would than you'd have one but apparently you don't«
»Just go!«, Y/N shouts and looks at us.
Surprised me and the boys stare at each other before starting to laugh really loudly.
»You don't think we will leave, right?«, Conor says and she rolls her eyes.
Pissed Y/N takes her plate in her hands and tries to leave the table but Chris stops her.
»Why don't you give me your plate? I'm your friend«, he wonders standing in front of Y/N.
Quickly she slams the meal on the table and walks away to the school building.
»High five bro«, Conor tells him and we high five each other before we start to eat.
Suddenly something pops up in my mind.
»I forgot something, guys«, I explain.
I sniff and they know what I mean.
»See ya later in class«
Entering the school I walk to the toilets. Looking at my clock I sigh. I'm too late to the "meeting". Me and a boy have to make a deal but all of a sudden I hear a noise coming from the end of the empty hallway. Curiously I walk down the floor and listen to someone whimper. As I turn around a corner I catch sight of Y/N sitting on the ground her hands hiding her face.
»Y/N?«, I wonder and she jumps a little.
»Can't you just leave me alone«, she sniffs but I ignore her question.
»Are you crying?«
»No, I'm only acting like it«, Y/N tells me brushing away the tears.
She stands up and wants to leave but I stop her by grabing her arm.
»What?«, she wonders.
»Why did you cry?«
»Are you really asking me this?«, she laughs a bit.
»Is it because of some minutes ago?«, I wonder feeling sympathetic.
»Yes, Justin«, Y/N answers and tries to get out of my grip but I don't let her go.
»But I thought it wasn't a big deal for you«
»How couldn't this be a big deal for me? You tell me every day I don't have friends and you're literally mobbing me so yeah this might make me a little upset but it's not like you care«, she tells me and leaves.
Shocked I watch her go away and hear the doorbell ring. Some minutes later we're all in class. Me and the boys are sitting at the back of the room like always doing bullshit.
»Hey, do you have some paper?«, Conor whispers to Chris.
»You'll see«, Conor smirks and I laugh.
Chris gives him a paper and he tears it into hundred little pieces. Then Conor builds balls out of them and throws it through the classroom as the teacher is not looking. Suddenly I feel someone turning around. It's Y/N.
»Great idea«, Chris says and throws a ball on Y/N.
I gulp down hard as I see her looking at me for one second and then catch sight of the boys.
»Guys come one that's childish«, I tell them and they frown but stop.
The whole lesson we pay attention to the lesson. Okay not really but we slept a little. That's good as well. As the bell rings we leave the room. Suddenly someone grabs my arm and stops me.
»What the-«, I say but catch sight of Y/N beside me.
»Thank you«, she tells me and I look at her surpised.
»What do you mean?«
»Thanks for making Conor and Chris stop with thowing the paper balls at me«, Y/N replies blushing a little and I give her a small smile.
She isn't that bad, I think to myself.
»I don't want to see you hurt that's all«, I say and she smiles.