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Castiel looks at the brothers "I'm confused she saw me in a dream?" Cas asks Dean nods "Yes once she described you I thought it would be best if you two just didn't meet in case it freaks her out." Dean answers.

Castiel shakes his head "Someone better explain to her. She thought Cas was fake and now knows we've hidden him for a year and that he's pretty real and an angel - oh wait she doesn't know that either!" Sam complains.

"Alright I'll explain." Dean sighs.

You sit there on the bed of your truck as Dean approaches you "He's real? I saw him, how?" You ask "Yeah he's real I don't know how you saw him but you did." Dean looks at the ground "How did I not know about him? It's been a year since that happened." You look at Dean for answers.

"To be honest I hid him from you until I was comfortable with knowing you wouldn't flip out and try to kill him, because he's also-" Cas appears making you jump "I'm also an angel." Castiel cuts Dean off.

You sit there "Okay so you're saying a year ago a Jin attacked me I saw you and Sam not hunting as well as me but I also saw an angel I didn't even know existed?" You look at the two "He is, yes." Cas answers "He's also straight forward." You whisper looking at the ground.

"I know I was wrong for lying when I said I didn't know him or anything but I'm sorry." Dean looks at you "If you think I'm mad you're wrong I'm just confused." You get off your truck and start cleaning your machete.

Sam joins you three outside and you look at Castiel "I only know you as Cas well that's what I first heard you say your name was." He looks at you and nods "I thought I would say Castiel." He shrugs.

"Alright guys we better get back to the motel, come on Cas." Dean, Sam, and Cas get in Dean's Impala as you get in your truck. Soon after leading Dean to the motel you walk into your room as the boys follow "Can I ask why you're in my room?" You ask "Well I mean we thought we would chill." Dean holds up beer and you shrug as you sit on your bed crisscross, Sam sits next to you and Dean sits in front of you as Castiel stands near the door.

"Does he ever sit." You whisper towards Sam who looks at you and shakes his head.

"Alright I remember when we got you drunk a couple months ago and you got on stage singing something with Dean when you both tripped and fell off the stage when some stranger caught you...." Sam stops as you and the two brothers laugh as Cas just tries to understand you three.

"And you yelled 'Get off me I'm a Fed and I will take you in for pulling me off a stage and trying to arrest me for being fake!' I think everyone went out laughing." Sam laughs making you laugh harder "I'm not a true FBI agent so I was being fake." You shrug Dean shakes his head "That makes it worse." Dean teases.

"You two are fake as well remember this, my badge passed in that LARP thing." You point out "You stole yours." Dean pouts "I pick pocketed someone for it." You comment "That's stealing." Sam laughs you shrug.

"He didn't need it anyways, Cas sit down your kinda weird just standing there." You look at him and he looks at you before sitting "I guess we should get going we gotta leave early tomorrow for another case." Sam looks at Dean "You're no fun." Dean whines.

"Bye." You wave before walking into your bathroom and you see Cas leave with the boys.

You finish getting ready for bed and lay down. Soon after you doze off Cas appears in the corner of your room watching for a minute he was very curious about you since you did see him a year ago before you two met. But what could be the harm?

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