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Cas appears in the motel room holding your body in his arms "What happened?" Dean rushes towards you as Cas falls to his knees Dean catches you swiftly as Castiel blacks out himself looking up at the ceiling.

"What do we do?" Sam asks trying to wake Cas up "I don't know we gotta try anything and everything." Dean answers laying you on a bed "Umm.... What- how did this even happen?" Sam asks "I don't- she didn't." Dean whispers "What?" Sam asks "Her vision earlier after the Jin attack I bet you she passed it along to Cas to show him how he died or whatever." Dean looks at his little brother "We gotta do something then." Cas lunges forward "Cas what the hell happened?" Dean asks "I-I -she showed me..." Cas looks up at Dean.

"Yeah well she is out cold what happened?" Sam asks "She showed me her vision and she fainted." Cas looks at you rushing to your side "Guys I'm not getting a heart beat anymore." Sam rushes to aid you "Come on." He tries to pick up another heart beat but nothing "Sammy!" Dean snaps "I'm trying Dean she needs a damn doctor!" Cas stands in a corner hyperventilating thinking things over.

"Cas come on she needs a doctor!" Dean yells Cas slides down the wall looking ahead he was confused, lost, upset, he was almost every emotion but joy, happy, excited, amazed, he just wanted Y/n back.

Sam and Dean rush you to the hospital.


"Help us!" Dean yells as Sam carries you inside "What's wrong?" A doctor ask "What's wrong she has no damn heart beat!" Dean snaps the doctors take your body and go into the emergency room getting to work.

Sam and Dean wait patiently for the doctor to come out of the room "May I talk to you?" A man asks "What?!" Sam and Dean snap "If she doesn't make it-" Sam glares at the guy "Get out of here! You damn idiot!" Sam snaps pointing to the door the man scurries away "Good work little moose." Crowley stands at the window with the boys looking into the room where the doctors try getting your heart beat back.

"You know how much pain I would actually feel to know my daughter is dead?" Crowley asks "Just guessing but none?" Sam asks "No you ass a lot she's my daughter it would hurt to have her die." Crowley smacks Sam's arm "Sorry I was just guessing." He shrugs "Cas said she showed him her vision before she blacked out when they got back to the motel he fell to his knees I caught Y/n and he blacked out." Dean sighs "She's an bigger idiot then you two sometimes, she knew what would happen but she wanted to show Cas something important." Crowley rolls his eyes.

"Do you know what it was?" Sam asks "Probably his death. See if they chose to be together then I have to draw a line which is she stops hunting and isn't my daughter, and Cas isn't the sweet little angel he normally is he's human well she saw that when the Jin attacked last year..." Crowley pauses "And when the Jin attacked this time she saw his death their supposed to be together their souls are attaching to each other's and he saw her death when he blacked out.. It's a cost boys love kills you love cost you your life sometimes." Crowley explains.


"Wait their risking their lives for each other?" Dean asks "No idiot. She saw his death okay which will happen when he's human, he saw her death because she loved him too much to let him die they aren't risking their lives for each other their loving each other to death technically it's why I have to draw a line or kill Castiel it's my choice." Crowley explains "Is the father one of you three?" A doctor asks "Yes, why?" Crowley answers.


666 words.

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