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You look at Dean.

"What do you mean he's missing?!" Sam gets out of the truck.

"I don't know he was right next to me talking and then he just wasn't there." Dean gets out of the car "How do we find an angel?" Sam asks you were trying to think of something "I don't know Sam it's why we gotta try everything to find him, try summoning him, try anything!" Dean looks in the trunk "Y/n anything?" Sam asks.

You shake your head thinking hard "We need a place to crash for now because I have a feeling there is something we can do but we need to plan." You command Dean nods he was gonna trust you with this one he knew if anyone could find an angel, demon, human, anything or anyone it would you Y/n L/n.

You find a motel a few miles down the road and crash there "Okay think Y/n think." You whisper. You look at Dean "I need to go deep in thought any ideas?" You ask "Um.... Nope what about Crowley he knows everything!" Sam points out.


You stand up "Oh how I wish to see the king of hell so come anytime right now!" You say out loud when Crowley appears "He comes when you call we have to summon him!" Dean complains "I'm his daughter Dean." You comment Crowley sighs "How can I help?" He asks "We need to know how to find Castiel?" You ask closing your eyes "The map child the map." He answers "The map spell?" You ask he nods "So doing that... Yeah it would thanks!" You jump up and he laughs "You never fail to make me laugh sometimes." He looks at you "Are you in a good mood?" You ask "Yes in fact hell is doing pleasantly great today, anyways I gotta run my schedule is tight." Crowley goes to leave "Wait no!" He stops "We need the stuff." You look at him.

He sighs and snaps his fingers the map and everything appears "Thanks bye!" You wave he leaves.

You set everything up and start it "How does this work?" Dean asks "I drop this match on the map after I say some stuff and it burns the whole map except the part where Cas is." You answer he nods "Alright." You begin saying what you need to and drop the match on the map it burns for a minute then leaves a circle around Pennsylvania "What is he doing in Pennsylvania?" Sam asks "Who knows let's just get ready to find him in Pennsylvania." Dean sighs you look at the map "It doesn't seem right." You whisper as you get ready to leave the motel.


You were driving to Pennsylvania it was gonna take you more then 10 hours to get there so you and Dean were flooring it "Hurry up." You heard in your head you faint behind the wheel luckily Sam was in the car with you "Y/n!" He slides over quickly continuing to drive for you. He was now officially in the drivers seat while you sat slouched over in the passenger seat.


You walk a long narrow hallway as you hear the loudest screams, and groans like they were right in your ear you fall to the ground as everything around you shakes hard "Hurry!" A familiar voice yells you lay on the ground as everything shakes badly, you stumble up and feel limp as you inch through the hallway looking around "I don't know!" Someone screams everything shakes and sounds like it's cracking "Where am I?" You whisper you sound different your voice was too quiet "WHERE AM I!?" You scream loudly a ringing sound behind it "Hurry!" The same voice yells everything starts shaking and you inch through the hallway.

You look around and pick your feet up in a quick motion running you pass a door and go back to it just as you push it open you feel a sharp pain before you're on the floor.


You raise up quickly with a loud gasp "Y/n what the hell was that?" Sam asks "He's in a building." You whisper "Who?" Sam asks.




Luv you little Dino's XX - Nakia.

718 words.

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