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Sam looks at his older brother "Sam I've thought about it and I'm pretty damn proud of us, even though we've ended in death." Dean chokes out Sam had tears in his eyes as he helps Dean up and looks at you Metatron takes off running "Help!" Sam calls as Dean looks at his brother "I love you Sammy." Is the last thing he heard before Dean went limp and fall to the ground slipping past Sam's grip.

He falls to his knees holding onto your hand "Keep a grip Y/n please don't leave." Sam chokes out as he cries "Sam sometimes it's not about the ending it's about the beginning." You whisper "It's all about you and Dean right now." Sam cries as your fingers lose their grip and you look at Sam for the last time whispering "Dint forget about us."

Sam carried both you and Dean back to the car pissed, upset, and very very sad. He lays both you in your own beds "Crowley!" Sam calls as he works on getting drunk in the kitchen he walks into the office "Give me some of that." He pictured you walking out of your room alive and well.

All his memories coming back to this one stupid night you all got together watching a dumb comedy you loved. You sat next to Sam he could still smell your scent as Dean sat down with beer ready for you three as you played the comedy "That was so stupid!" Dean laughs as everyone else does "Moose! Hand me that." Crowley was crying "Are you okay?" Sam asks handing the alcohol over.

"No my damn kid is dead." Crowley was way past drunk and so was Sam now.


Cas sits in Metatron's chair as the angel tablet breaks on the ground, Metatron appears "You think you're so smart don't you?" Metatron comments "Sometimes." Castiel feels a deep pain in his chest he holds it looking at Metatron "Yes see while you were confused about where I put the tablet Dean, Sam, and your little lover came as a surprise and well I killed Dean." Metatron smiles "So at would never cause this pain." Cas smiles cockily "Yes well the story gets better." Metatron smiles.

"I killed your little lover to, so now you'll be a mental wreck and I can rule heaven now like I should've done in the first place." Metatron snaps Castiel stops he loses his smile the pain was growing, he needed to see you, he needed to be with you right now "Who cares about the Angels once I'm on top they will praise me." Angels rush in and take him away as Cas to jail.

The only thing Cas was worried about was finding you, but would he be too late?


Sam was in his room sleeping as Crowley placed the First Blade in Dean's hand "Wake up Dean feel what I feel, see what I see, be alive!" Crowley says he walks into your room "Y/n darling you need to stop playing around I can't imagine that it's so comfortable faking your own death." Crowley looks at you as you raise up off the bed your eyes pure black as Dean walks in his eyes also pure black "There we go now let's go my little ones." Crowley smiles as you three leave the bunker soundly, and peacefully.

Sam opens the bunker door worried as he faces Cas with tears running down his face "Tell me it's not true that Y/n's alive." Cas says looking at Sam with hope "She's gone." Sam says.

Cas hides his face.

"She's actually gone." He sobs.

"No, I mean she's missing her and Dean aren't here." Sam says.

"She's alive?"


627 words.

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