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The sound of the heels hitting the ground makes you smile, as you look in the mirror at the dress you looked different and you loved it "The other clothes were terrible, could you believe I wore stuff like that. I looked ratchet." You comment as Dean zips the back of your dress up he puts his lips right next to your ear "I think you've always looked amazing." He looks up at you in the mirror seeing your dark black eyes he smirks and returns the color "I love how you think you make me want you." You smirk glancing back at him yourself "We better meet up with Crowley before he gets mad." You whisper he growls lowly.

"Sometimes he's a pain in the ass." Dean groans you put the last dab of make up on and walk out of the room with Dean following behind "My daughter looks amazing." Crowley smiles proudly you smile "I feel a whole lot better now." You smirk Dean nods "Alright let's go a bar is calling our name." Dean grabs your hand "Are you two a new thing?" Crowley was slightly pleased "Oh don't worry about that it's not there yet." You wink as you blink shoving the black eyes away and reveling your (e/c) eyes Dean smirks as he does the same.


Sam and Castiel work late hours trying to find you and Dean "Why did Crowley take her!" Cas throws a glass cup at the wall "Dude that was my water!" Sam complains "Oh sorry Sam but seriously! Crowley shouldn't have even touched her." Cas snaps "Calm down Cas something has to pop up, like a case right here a guy slaughtered and left in a ditch. It doesn't sound like much but it's 30 miles away well possibly 40 but it's a case now let's go." Sam shuts his computer as him and Cas get in Cas's car.

You sit at a table with Crowley as Dean had gotten way past drunk and was now on stage singing terribly you smirk "He's a good guy you know that..." You bite your bottom lip "Oh don't tell me you're getting turned on by this?" Crowley complains "No but I could be later." You wink Dean catches on and continues with all of his heart sipping on his beer in between lyrics, he moves to the music. You stand up and walk over to the bathroom a guy puts his hand on your wrist "Hello baby." He smiles you look at him "No." You simply say.

"Oh don't be like that, sexy." He smirks "No." You say again he looks at you pushing you against the wall "I said don't be like that." He growls "And she said no." Dean and Crowley stand behind the guy he turns around and looks at both of them "If I were you I would walk away before you get turned down." Crowley says ever so calmly Dean smirks as the guy storms off "Why are you going to the bathroom?" Crowley asks "When I died I had to use the bathroom so I'm taking care of that now please." You walk into the bathroom taking care of your problem.

You wash your hands and walk out sitting with Dean and Crowley.

"Hey it's officer Stills, and Smith." Sam and Cas show their badges to the officer at the station "We have some questions about the murder here?" Sam asks "Oh sure do you wanna see the video?" The officer offers "Yes we need to." Cas answers.

Both Cas and Sam keep re-watching the video eyes wide and all as they couldn't believe what they were seeing on the computer screen "We put out a picture of both male, and female seen there in the video." The officer smiles "Call it off now." Cas snaps "What why?" The officer asks "Do as said if that photo gets out there then all hell will break loose we are to keep this one private, now go call it off." Sam says.

"They are killing together?"

"More like they're demons." Sam looks at Cas.


691 words.

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