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"Umm... Who are you?" You ask "I don't have a brother." You add "Yes you do I just never told you about him." Crowley pulls the bullet out of his shoulder and snaps his fingers making the guy disappear "You did now he's back where he belongs, now where is your beloved little angel?" Crowley asks "Shut up smart ass." You comment rolling your eyes.

You leave the motel with Sam and Dean, Sam still scolding you and his older brother about the whole Abaddon situation "Can you just do that one thing where you shut up?" Dean says "Dean I'm being serious you two could've gotten killed, and Cas is off somewhere doing God knows what!" Sam huffs "In all fairness I saw about 24 hours ago and he was perfectly fine." You chime in "Y/n be quiet! I'll deal with you later!" Sam snaps glaring back at you "Excuse me?" You snap "You heard me!" Sam sighs.

"Oh no, Dean pull this car over right now!" You complain "No I'm not pulling the car over and Sam isn't gonna do anything." Dean complains "I will deal with her later right now I'm dealing with you!" Sam complains loudly obviously frustrated with the situation right now "Um no you won't deal with me because you don't own me! And pull this damn car over before I pull it over myself!" Your voice raising loudly at the end.

"Y/n seriously shut up he's not pulling this car over!" Sam snaps.


"That's it I've had enough of you! First off you treat me kindly! Next you're a complete jerk now you either shut or I'll deal with you right now!" You yell "Oh deal with me! Well baby come at me!" Sam snaps you grow even more pissed and lunge forward grabbing a hold of him scratching, hitting, and yelling profanities as Dean tries not to get caught in the middle of it but tries getting you off Sam.

"Y/n oh my word get your ass off him!" Dean grunts trying to pull you off Sam but trying to keep straight. You claw your hand back at Dean scratching his hand he yanks it back and looks at his hand as you continue attacking Sam "Y/n what the hell!" Sam complains trying to cover himself but you were completely on track scratching him, and hitting him pretty damn good.

"Oh my God! What did Cas get us into!?" Dean complains as he answers your phone "Y/n are you okay? I've been worried!" Cas says "Yeah don't worry about Y/n worry about Sam she's busy ruining him." Dean puts Cas on speaker as he pulls the car over and tries pulling off Sam "Y/n? Dean? Sam?" Cas asks but no one was answering the first thing Cas heard was "Get off me!" You screamed still working on Sam "Oh my god!" Sam pants as Dean manages to get you off Sam the whole Impala was rocking from the aggressive movement inside.


Sam sits up and opens the car door falling out quickly and shutting the door "That idiot!" You yell Dean sighs "Y/n calm down!" Dean yells you look at him remembering everything from Cas, to meeting Dean for the first time "Don't mess with me." You mumble grabbing your phone and hanging up on Cas.

You throw your phone into the backseat and leave your jacket as you get out of the Impala you glare at Sam "Come near me again I'll kill you." You comment before walking down the side of the road Sam stands there "Y/n! Come back!" He calls for you but you don't answer "Y/n!" Dean calls you continue walking you would find a way, you would find a reason to quit hunting, a reason to lose all the connections you owned. This life felt like it wasn't for you anymore.

You sit down after walking for 9 miles you cry into your hands, you could see it all.


holy water ~ Supernatural
679 words.

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