The Fanboy|Minami

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There he goes running around trying to get a picture with Yuuri Katsuki. He's always been his idol. That's why he chose to skate. You always tried to skate along side Minami but he always seemed to only care about Yuuri.

You love the way Minami dances on ice. He can even tap dance and that amazes you. You always loved his peppy style and he's always happy. That's why you always thought about him. You could say you're his fangirl.(or his fanboy idk)

You watch him finally get the photo and he runs over to you with the happiest expression on his face."LOOK Y/N I GOT A PICTURE WITH YUURI AHHHHHHHHHH." As he continues to cry tears of joy, you start to get jealous, wanting to get some affection too. You think of a plan, a way to get his attention. You started to think of what will make him happy and all you can think of is Yuuri. Then an idea pops in your head, you want copy his exact performance but being the inexperienced skater ever. This will take a while.

It takes almost 2 weeks to learn his routine constantly watching it and trying to land the triple axels but finally your ready. You put on your dress(or an outfit you prefer) that seems to shimmer in the light. You call Minami and tell him that you want to show him a new skating routine. When he gets here you turn on the music and start to skate.

You try to make this your best performance ever and want to make sure to impress him. You skate and things are going very well but you get nervous as the devious triple axle is coming. You jump and spin hoping you make all three rotations. You look over to Minami who has an face of shock. You finish with the ending pose and you breathe heavily hoping he enjoyed it.

You look over still in shock and he soon breaks into tears and becomes hysterical.
"OMG YOU DID YUURI'S ROUTINE AND YOU EVEN MADE THE TRIPLE AXEL!!!" His eyes full of tears and he rushes and hugs you.
"THANK YOU SO MUCH THAT WAS AMAZING!!!" He says still holding you tight. He then hugs you tighter and almost chokes you.
"Um, I need oxygen..." You manage to say as he lets go of you. "Sorry, I get out of hand with my emotions sometimes."

He gives you a small cute smile as you just want to pat his red hair that seems to cutely with his blonde hair. As you go to pat his head he kisses your nose and runs away in embarrassment.

You run after him and you both end up back where you started. His face still red you finally caught him. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." He trails off and he stares at the ground. "Minami you don't need to be sorry I practiced that routine for you and in glad you liked it." You say trying to make him feel better. "Wait, you really did that for me?" He says wipes his tears from his brown eyes.

"Of course I did, you are special to me." He then looks at you with sincerity in his eyes. "Since you did all of that for me I need to repay you back!!!" He kisses your face multiple times before getting to your lips. The kiss is short and sweet but so is he.

"You know what I might be obsessed with Yuuri but I think I just found a new person to admire." He takes a picture with you and posts it with a caption saying meet my new idol.

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