Give Me Strength|Yuri Plisetsky

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This moment you've been waiting for it as long as you remember.

You finally made it in the Women's Grand Prix Finals. It took countless hours and restless nights getting here but now that you're here you hope everything will go as planned. You wait patiently as you watch the other skaters skate and it's almost your turn. Before getting on the ice you look at the crowd seeing the many faces of the people who are cheering for you. You spot someone in the crowd but you wonder if it's who you think it is but you can't tell because the person is wearing a hoodie.

You get ready but feel nervous. Suddenly the music starts playing signaling the start of your performance. The calming music seems to almost make everything around you fade away. The crowd,the judges, and anyone who is watching. You skate to the music gliding on the ice. You almost feel free when skating. Kind of like a bird released from its cage to fly around the world. You jump to do a triple axel and suddenly the calming protective barrier that you built is shattered. You hear someone yell something horrid making you lose your focus and fall. Your world seems to blur as you look around.

You see someone run towards you. You realize it's the person in the hoodie. He takes it off and it's actually him. "Are you okay? What happened?" Yuri says trying to help you up. Even with his help you can't get up. "I was doing triple axel then I heard someone shout something rude at me and I fell. I can't feel my legs." You say as you look at the bruises that cover them.

"Do you know who said that?" He asks still concerned. "No I don't, by the way why are you here?" You ask curious. "Well I told you I would show up so I thought I would surprise you after you were done skating but now that this happened the surprise is ruined."
You laugh and that helps eases the pain. He sees that you are in pain in your smile. Soon enough the paramedics come and carry you to an ambulance. You lay on the bed while Yuri sits next to you. The paramedics start to ask you questions and you try to answer them but everything is still a blur. Before you know it the world around you turns black.

You wake up in a hospital bed and notice both of your legs are bandaged. You look around seeing bouquet of different flowers and balloons. You see the door open and the nurse walks in the room. "Oh you're awake. Let me tell your visitor." She walks out of the room and soon comes in Yuri. He runs in and hugs you.

"I'm so glad you're okay! The doctors said you also hit your head which made you go into a coma." You touch your head noticing you also have bandages wrapped around it. "I was so happy that I finally made it to the competition. Now I'm here with two legs that I still can't feel and a concussion." You start tearing up. You quickly wipe them away knowing that your stronger than this but everyone has their weaknesses and this only seemed to drain your strength mentally and physically.

"Even I fall during performances. I know you feel weak right now but I'll be there to support you." He says trying to cheer you up. The nurse comes back and tells you that you need therapy in order to walk again. "If you want I'll go with you to therapy." Yuri says plastering a smile on his face. You nod still taking it all in. You need to overcome this, but in order to do that you need to be strong.

Over the weeks you go to therapy and Yuri supports you each step of the way. The road towards walking again is rough but with him by your side he gives you strength that could last a life time. You are soon able to skate again and you two made a promise to always be together at your tournaments so no matter what happens you know that he'll make sure that you're safe.

I'm swear I'm not ded!!! These one shots won't die on my watch! I'll keep updating as soon as I can. Plus I'm still taking requests. This one was a request so shout out to @yungvirgo for the idea (^o^)/

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