Cinnamon Rolls|Guang Hong

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You loved eating sweets ever since your were little.

It loved them so much that you started working at a bakery. Baking sweets was sort of a hobby for you. You always loved to share them with your friends and loved making them happy. You got dressed for work and walked since it was close by to where you lived.

You walked into work and put on your apron. You sniffed the air as it always smelled so wonderful. Different sweet smells always mixed together delighting customers and you. You start to prepare the ingredients and wait for the customers to start coming in. You start talking to your coworkers about the people who come here the most. Sure, you got to know people because they came here so much but really you never knew who would enter through those doors.

Customers start to come in and place their orders and you start baking. One asked for a strawberry cake with extra whip cream and another for a dozen muffins. Mixing the batter for the muffins you pour them in the tray while the other worker makes the cake.

More and more customers seem to rush in asking for every treat you serve. Finally it's your lunch break and you sit down exhausted from all the baking. You haven't seen this many customers at one time in a while. Every time your lunch break would come around you would bake a different pastry for yourself. You think about what to bake when a customer walks in. It's a short young man with messy light brown hair and chestnut colored eyes. He walks up to the counter and he rings the bell waiting to place his order.

You think of whether to serve him right now since you are still in break. He rings the bell again and just silently stands there. You can't help but not serve him so you get up and walk towards the counter. "Hello, what would you like to order?" You ask him.

He just stares at you looking a bit shy. He finally speaks and says "I don't know, what would you recommend?" You think to yourself what would he like. He's new here and you don't want to say the wrong thing. "Do you like cinnamon rolls?" You ask hoping he wouldn't say no. He just nods and you smile glad that your recommendation was helpful. You get the ingredients ready and start baking. You start making the dough and filling and start preparing the cinnamon. You put the cinnamon rolls in the oven and wait for them to bake. "I'm sorry if it takes a while but we didn't have any already made so I made a fresh batch."

"Ok, I don't mind waiting." He says while sitting at one of the tables looking outside. Realizing that it will take half an hour for them to bake you decide to talk to him. "Hey would you like anything in the meantime?" He shakes his head no and you sit across from him.

"Why are you sitting with me?" He says sort of blushing. You giggle at his cuteness and stare at the window with him. "I'm sitting with  you because you seemed lonely and I feel bad that you have to wait so long. So, I thought I could keep you company." Saying this, he gives you a smile on return and it warms your heart.

Time seems to fly by as you two start talking and getting to know each other. Then the sound of the timer goes off signaling that the cinnamon rolls are done. You get up and put your gloves on and take them out the oven. The smell of cinnamon takes over all the smells in the air. You bring him the freshly baked cinnamon rolls and go back to work.

"Hey, this is a lot of food. I'm pretty small and I can only eat so much. Do you want some?" Guang Hong says still acting shy. "Sure I would love some." You say sitting with him once again and enjoying them with him. You both finish eating them all. "That was lot of sugar...but it was good." He says rubbing his tummy.

It gets quiet and you start to smell the air. He notices you doing this and joins in and you both can't help but break out in laughter. "Thank you for keeping me company. You have been really nice to me. I am usually shy and don't say much but I feel I can talk more with you."

He gets up and gives you a small hug. He walks towards the door to leave but you grab his hand not wanting him to leave. You feel as you are being watched as you look back to see your coworkers all staring at you and smiling. "We can cover your shift if you want?" They say still grinning. You can't help but feel to let them take over.

"Wanna come to my house and teach me some recipes?" He says. You give him a big hug and nod yes. Together you taught him to bake more cinnamon rolls and the sweet smell once again filled the air.

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