Scars|Phichit x Self Harm Reader

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Warning: This one shot deals with depression and cutting. If you feel uncomfortable reading topics like this then I suggest you don't read it.

You tap the window and stare at the rain drops that trickle down the glass.

You've isolated yourself from the world for a couple days. Ever since your previous boyfriend Christophe decided to break up, you've been very depressed. To you he was the perfect man but now you hate him and you hate yourself. You've had a bunch of missed calls from friends and each time they left a voicemail you would listen to them but not call them back. You were afraid of interaction with anyone right now because you felt you weren't good to even be seen by the world.

Since the break up you felt almost worthless. You couldn't even stand your own reflection. You make your way to the bathroom trying to not make eye contact with the mirror, yet you still do. You end up eating at yourself again and smash the mirror. You collapse on the ground and look around to see the shattered pieces of glass. You pick a piece up glass stained with blood you look at your hand to see it scratched up and starting to bleed.

You sigh and your breathe dogs up the piece of glass. Suddenly, an idea pops in your head. You look at your arm and then at the sharp piece of glass. Your heart beat increases as you start to bring it closer to your wrist. Just as the piece of glass pile your skin you flinch. You lightly go across your skin and look at the new cut. You start breaking into tears. One of them manage to hit the cut stinging you. A couple minutes later you begin to hear your phone ringing. You look to see it's Phichit. He's been calling you nonstop since you threw yourself into isolation. You hit decline and you get a voicemail from him.

"Y/N!!! Are you ok?" No. "I'm totally worried about you. Everyone is trying to call you but you're not answering. Is this about Christophe???" Yes. "I hear he broke up with you. He wasn't my favorite anyways. Listen to me please. Don't let him bring you down." It's too late. "You know what I'm coming over!!!" WHAT. "I'll be there as soon as I can." The voicemail ends and you were shocked. Other people called you and seemed to worry but no one actually took the next step.

"Maybe this is what I need." You thought. As you start to think about him coming over this leads you into panic. You had to clean up the glass in the bathroom. You don't want him worrying to much. You grab a broom and start to clean up. You sweep up almost every glass shard and hope he doesn't get suspicious. You try to make your place neat and make yourself not look like a complete wreck. You go back to your window and stare at the rain drops once again. Then something elder catches your eye.

In the distance you see Phichit running with something in his hand. As he gets closer you see he's holding something that looks like a briefcase. He starts knocking on your door. You walk over and open it. "Y/N!" He yells as he almost chokes you in a hug. "ARE YOU OK??? WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER ANYONES CALLS. ESPECIALLY MINE." You look at him and see he's holding a first aid kit. "Phichit I'm fine and I didn't answer anyone's phone calls because I didn't want to talk to anyone." He gets all fidgety and gives you a look. "SILENCE IS THE WORSE THING EVER, IT ONLY MAKES ME WORRY MORE."

"Why'd you bring a first aid kit???"
You ask while pointing at it. "I got it because incase you were hurt I would be able to help." Hurt. You are hurt. Just not his definition of hurt. This emotional and mental pain that you had could never be helped with whatever's in that first aid kit. "Phichit if you really want to help then just talk with me." He looks at you a drops the kit and takes you to the sitting area next to the window. "So what is wrong?"

"Well, it all started when Christophe broke up with me."
You begin. "Yes go on." He says like a psychiatrist. "Once he left me he made me feel worthless. I felt like if he didn't want to be with me then no one else would."
He says nothing and gets up from his seat. He wraps his arms around you and holds you tight. "You are not worthless. Christophe is a jerk to just leave you and make you so fragile." 

"When you weren't answering anyone's calls and I found out what happened. I worried so much, I was starting to think you...died." He says in a choppy voice. Hot tears begin to roll down the sides if you're face. "I'm so glad you're okay." He kisses your cheek and notices the cut in your arm. "Did you do that to yourself?" You tell the truth and nod.
"I honestly don't know where I'd be right now if it wasn't for you."

He gives you a band aid and  places kiss on top. You look out the window to see a rainbow outside. You don't know what else to say but the only words that seem to escape are thank you.

This was requested by @Leti611. This was more of a serious one shot. I tried to make it the best I could. Also following this type of topic I would like to address one thing. Just like Phichit when you think no one could help you with your problems there always is someone that is willing to help. Self harm resolves nothing and so does suicide. We all go through hard times in life but that is no reason to end it.

Thank you (ありがとう)

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